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Hurt clouded her hardened gaze, and her nails dug deeper into the couch, like she had to restrain herself from causing bodily harm.

“You’re a monster.”


My head bobbed slowly, and I tapped my feet on the floor. I pretended to consider the accusation thoughtfully, and when I was done, my retort was sharp. “Or maybe I’m just a genius. Did you think about that?”

Her jaw dropped, the expression on her face incredulous. “You think this is funny? You’re playing with my life!”

“On the contrary, the only thing I find funny is how you constantly keep underestimating me. What, you think we’re stupid? You believe that, somehow, the Bratva is dumb, and maybe you have a chance at outsmarting the system? Fun fact, Detective: You’re not the first person to try, and you’re not about to be the last. No one has succeeded. You can try as many tricks as you want, but I’m not letting you out of here, understand?”

Freya scoffed, regarding me as she would have a man with a few nuts loose upstairs. Her eyes held all her thoughts about me, especially how deeply she detested me.

“You delude yourself if you think I’m just going to sit here and obey your commands like I’m some dog.”

“A dog?” I laughed and scratched the tip of my nose. “That you are not. But one thing is certain: You’re only going to leave here whenIdecide to take your chains off, and that’ll probably be when you’re dead, owing to the sensitive information you have about me. Until then, you’re stuck with me.”

“I hate you.”

That struck me in an odd, uncomfortable way—how fearlessly she aimed and fired. It tilted the perfect balance that kept me afloat and somehow managed to rile the words back out.

“The feeling is mutual.” I adjusted on the couch and eyed her. “You’re an enemy; that much is true, but that doesn’t make me any less concerned about the dryness of your social circle.”

That threw her off course, and confusion settled on her face. “What?”

I motioned to her phone, hidden from sight. For some odd reason, its contents piqued my interest, and I was forward with my question.

“Judging by your flat, sterile, one-sided conversations with men, I dare say you lack a love life.”

Except one called John. Her chats with him were anything but lackluster. It was on the tip of my tongue to spill his name, but I restrained myself. Having yet to understand why I cared enough to be bothered by the stagnancy of her private life, I knew it was best to keep that information to myself.

Her embarrassment was as pronounced as daylight. She disproved my breach of privacy and decided to bring out the fierce kitten in her, choosing to scratch in defense with crimson-flushed cheeks.

“As far as I’m concerned, you shouldn’t go sticking your nose up in other people’s business. It’s rude, unmannerly, and uncultured. Who do you think you are asking me questions like that, huh? My therapist?”

I bit back a grin, and my eyes fell to the length of her smooth, long legs and bare feet. I dragged my gaze back up to her face with a finger on my chin. It suddenly made sense.

“So, you’ve never been with a man.”

The crimson on her cheeks turned to a scarlet hue. And never had I seen anyone more furious. She shot to her feet, closed the distance between us, and waved a fist with clenched teeth.

The words were rushing out before she could stop herself.

“I swear, you make me want to throw away every shred of discipline to punch you right in that smirking face of yours!God, you’re so infuriating. There are more important things than men, you know? Like getting an education and making the best of your career. Well, a career I was sure I had until you wobbled along in those stupid handcuffs! I am not ashamed to be a virgin. I am not ashamed to say I put myself first before thinking of spreading my legs for somemanthat would leave me anyway after sucking out all my juices and leaving me to hang dry. After all, isn’t the sex what they’re after?”

We both knew it was unintentional, those dirty words leaving her mouth. She was upset and trying to state a point.

But they were dirty words, nonetheless.

She shouldn’t have said those because now, I looked back at her legs andaccidentallyimagined her naked, soaking wet, and spread eagle. For me. On my bed.


I was checking out the cop.

And the cop, despite being my enemy, was indisputably hot.

With those brown eyes silently warning me not to look any further and those downturned lips that wouldn’t stop snatching my attention.

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