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I turned to Freya, my gaze lingering on her slender figure. I pointed to the spot Anatoly had rested on only minutes ago.

“Take a seat.”

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes darting to the vacant couch, then back to me.

But my instruction was clear….

One slip-up.

And she understood.

With a subtle nod and an unusual quietness, she glided across the room and settled into the chair, clasping her fingers together over her bare knees.

My eyes coasted over her.

She had on a casual top and shorts, her hair tied up in a messy bun, and for a fleeting moment, I wondered what her hair would look like free from the band.

Despite her relaxed appearance, she still shone with natural beauty. Her skin glowed with a warm, sun-kissed tone, and her eyes, though dull, were vibrant.

A few loose strands framed her face, softening her features. She looked lovely, effortless, and radiant.

And yet terribly unsatisfied and sullen.

I leaned back in my own chair, steepling my fingers together as I regarded her. “How have you been?

Her eyes looked up cautiously. “Good.”

“Just good?”

She shrugged. “As good as the life of a prisoner can be.”

“Then, I take it you’ve been faring well. Anna said you wanted to see me.”

“Yes.” Her voice was quiet, and she nibbled the insides of her cheeks. “It’s been one week, and…I’m thinking that’s ample time to get anyone worried. My friend, Ruby. My colleagues at work. My mother. And sister.”

Her gaze met mine, pleading. She must have used every ounce of her pride to enable herself to beg in such a manner.

She tugged at the hem of her shorts and scooted closer to the edge of the seat. “My mother will be worried sick about me. All I need is to contact her, to let her know I’m okay. A missing person’s report is filed after forty-eight hours. It’s been seven days, and I’ve been stuck here. The police would have probably declared me missing by now, and she must be frantic with worry.”

Her gaze locked onto mine, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “Please, that’s really all I ask right now. You don’t have to worry; I’m not going to blurt anything funny. Just…let me tell her I’m okay. A simple message; that’s all I ask. I promise I won’t say a word about…about this place or what happened.”

And she expected me to believe her and succumb to the feminine power of puppy eyes and soft caressing voices?

This woman really underestimated me.

I tapped my chin, crossed my legs, one over the other, and sipped some more of Anna’s wonder drink. “And that’s all?”

She nodded and fidgeted with her fingers.


“It took a lot from me to do this. That’s how important this is. It’s not okay if I leave them hanging. Do you understand whatI’m saying? I can’t…I can’t leave them hanging with the idea that I’m….”

She struggled with the words, and I was more than happy to oblige with completing the sentence for her.

“You meandead, don’t you? You don’t want your family and friends thinking you’re dead.”

She gulped, like a thought couldn’t have been more appalling.

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