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“Yes, but if I don’t get the door who knows what the town gossip mill will say, and we don’t need it getting back to either of our parents.”

She had a point. “Okay.” He let go of his hold on her. “Go get the pizza.”

She got off of him, and he instantly felt the loss. He felt complete whenever their lips came together. He couldn’t even imagine what it would be like when they finally went all the way. Was it actually going to happen tonight?

He didn’t know if Isla had said it in the moment and would backtrack, or if she really was ready. He heard her speaking with the pizza man then the door shut.

He met her in the doorway, and she tossed the pizza on the closest surface and jumped into his arms. “Now, where were we?”

“We were going to eat.”

She shook her head, her lips never leaving his. “I don’t want food. I want you.”

God, he’d been waiting for this moment for so long, but he didn’t want to rush into it. He didn’t want Isla to have any regrets. He rested his forehead against hers, their breaths coming out in heated gasps. “Are you sure? Because we can wait.”

“I’m done waiting. I love you, Nolan Parker. You were my first kiss, my first boyfriend, and I want you to be my first.”

He sighed. “I love you too, Isla Garrick. Always have and always will.” He kissed her slowly and sweetly as he carried her up to his bedroom, making Isla another first for him, too.

Chapter 16

Nolan couldn’t sleep. He suspected it had something to do with the blonde residing next door. After pizza and a movie, he came back to his place. If he stayed another second, he would have had her beneath him again, and this time, there wouldn’t have been a pizza delivery to stop them.

He kicked his legs over the bed, accepting that he wasn’t getting to sleep anytime soon, and ran a hand over his face. What the hell had he been thinking? He hadn’t been, that was the problem. Whenever he was around Isla, all brain function went out the damn window.

She made it so hard to hate her, to even be mad at her. She was pure light, and like a moth, he was attracted to her. He didn’t care if she’d burned him before, not when everything about her was drawing him in.

Needing to get her off his mind, he reached for his cellphone. His eye instantly went to the notification indicating he had new text messages. He hadn’t looked at his phone since before he’d gone to Isla’s, and it had been freeing, after constantly being on it for work.

He opened the texts, surprised to see two of the three were from George. He’d thought when George called him the other day it had been an accident, but maybe it wasn’t. He should delete the texts without even reading them, but curiosity got the better of him. He opened the text.

Hey. Can you let me know where you kept the files for the Bristal account?

Nolan shook his head. He went over this with his replacement. He kept all of his files in alphabetized folders on the network. If they couldn’t find that folder, then how were they getting any work done? Unless they were working on all new clients, but the chances of that were slim to none.

He clicked into the next text.

The PDF for the Dunkerman contract is password protected. Can you please send the password when you get a moment?

Unbelievable. Nolan gave the moron the password and told him to write it down.

The desire to toss his phone on the nightstand was strong, but George had given him a chance all those years ago. He didn’t owe him anything, but Nolan also couldn’t not help the guy who had at one point in time had been his mentor, so he sent him a quick text, letting him know where to find the files and added a snide remark about how his nephew was given all this information and should have written it down.

“Idiot,” Nolan said as he stood and put his phone on the nightstand. “This is the guy that got my promotion.” Annoyed, he headed out of the bedroom and to the kitchen. He grabbed a beer out of the fridge, hoping the alcohol would at least make him tired enough to get a few hours in.

He sat on the couch and turned the TV on. There was nothing on at one in the morning except for a bunch of infomercials for things he would never buy. He flipped through the channels and stopped on the weather channel when a picture of a hurricane on the map caught his attention.

“The National Hurricane Center is expecting an area of pressure to emerge over the next few days that can lead to a potential hurricane watch for the New York area. Stay tuned for the latest updates.”

“A hurricane,” he said to himself. “Why not? Seems fitting.” He clicked the TV over to some infomercial about a foldable ladder and sunk into the couch.

He awoke to an insistent knocking. He blinked a few times, realizing he was still on the couch, and looked at the time. It was nine in the morning. He needed to get back on a schedule before he made sleeping in a habit.

Still in nothing more than his boxer briefs, he went to the door. If someone was going to knock on his door before ten, they deserved what they got. He opened the door and Isla’s mouth opened wide, then snapped shut. Her eyes drifted up from his stomach to his face.

“Do you own clothes?” she asked. “I know you quit your job, but surely you have some money to keep yourself covered.”

“You know I sleep in my underwear.”

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