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She rolled her eyes. “How do you know?”

Marco looked at her straight on and smirked. “He told me.”

“He told you that?” she asked not believing him at all.

“Yeah, I said he did,” Marco said, annoyance filling his tone.

Could Lucas really have told her brother that he loved her? He hadn’t even told her. She knew what she felt for him was real, but she also thought that maybe it was too soon. Maybe it was lust and not love. But if he told Marco then maybe what they shared really was love. Maybe love didn’t follow a timeline. If it was real and right it didn’t matter how many days it took to notice it.

“Did he really?”

“Are you calling me liar?” Marco asked, looking at her with curiosity.

“You’re the last person I’d call a liar,” she said and meant it. “I don’t think you know how to lie.”

He laughed. “There’s no point. It only complicates things.”

“Tell me about it.”

“So what happened?” Marco asked as he yanked up on the rope. “Or are we going to have to go through this entire six pack before you finally tell me?”

It was tempting. “Would you believe me if I told you that he thinks I lied to him when I didn’t?”

“Okay, I’m confused. I need you to explain a little more here.”

Ella laughed. The whole situation was one big complicated mess. “I’m assuming you saw the flyers.”

“About the fundraiser to save Joe’s?”

“Yeah,” she said. “Lucas told me about Joe’s situation, and I suggested a fundraiser, but Lucas refused the idea because he thought Joe would hate it. Then today there are flyers all over town.”

“And Lucas thinks it was you who did it,” Marco said, piecing the puzzle together.

“I’m the only person he told, but I swear on Mom’s life, that I did not make those flyers. I didn’t tell anyone either. Not even Cami or Krissy.” Angry tears pricked her eyes. She felt like she was being punished for lying to her family and sneaking around to see Lucas. Like it was the universe’s sick way of teaching her a lesson. It really was out to get her.

Marco wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “I believe you, El.”

“At least somebody does.” She rested her head on Marco’s shoulder, grateful to have him in her life. “It doesn’t matter anyway,” she said. “He has a life in California, and I’ll never leave Willow Cove. We were doomed from the start.”

“This is some Romeo and Juliet shit right here.”

“Except that story ended in death, and the only thing that died today is my pride.”

“Come on.” Marco nudged her arm. “I’ll take you home.”

She hugged his arm. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to sit here a little longer.”

“Whatever you want, sis. Whatever you want.”

Chapter 21

Lucas and Joe sat down in his tiny office, pressing an ice pack to his eye. His dad was back at the house, resting from his trip. According to Joe, they talked and while they still had a lot of healing to do, it seemed they’d found a common ground.

It amazed Lucas how one side of his life was slowly repairing itself and the other was in complete and utter shambles.

“I’m sorry, Grandpa. I never should’ve trusted a Moretti.”

“It’s not your fault.”

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