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“You’re crying. You’re not fine.”

She swallowed down the burning hot emotion stinging her throat, straightened her shoulders, and tilted her chin up. “It was a slip,” she said. “It won’t happen again. I’m used to hiding the pain; I’ve been doing it half my life.”

She untied her apron and placed it on the counter. “I’m taking the day off. Don’t follow me.”

“Ella, come on,” Enzo said. “Don’t be like that.”

“I’m sick of pretending everything is okay, and I’m not going to stay here and plaster a fake smile on my face. I’m asking for one day, Enzo. One day.”

“We’re Moretti’s. We don’t leave things unsettled.”

“I’m sorry, I love you, but today… I don’t want to be a Moretti.”

Chapter 18

Lucas had had no idea how Joe would react when he came home and saw the son who abandoned him all those years ago standing in his living room, but instead of looking upset, he looked relieved, and Lucas left the house so they could talk and he could find Ella.

He had no idea what the future held for his family, but he felt like they were taking a step in the right direction. Now if he could just figure out a way to save the restaurant. The burden of the task sat on his shoulders like an unmovable cement block.

He walked into town, determined to figure it out, but more importantly determined to find Ella. After his morning, he wanted to tell her everything that had unraveled since the last time they were together.

It was a strange feeling, wanting, noneedingto talk to her. He’d gone most of his life, keeping emotions to himself. Ella made him feel different. He felt the need to open himself up to her and wanted to tell her everything.

The residential houses gave way to the shops and cobblestone streets. It was only a matter of minutes before he’d spot her across the boardwalk. He’d text her, get her to meet him somewhere.

He saw people huddled around a lamp post, surprised whispers being shared. Normally he would ignore them, but there was something about it that drew him in. He wanted to know what the piece of paper secured to the pole said that caused them all to look so flabbergasted.

As he walked toward the lamppost, people looked at him strangely a mix between sympathy and encouragement. What the hell was going on?

“Let Joe know we have his back,” some man said in passing.

Lucas picked up his pace and came to a stop in front of the posted sign. His eyes bulged as he took in the words in big bold font.

Help save Joe’s Lobster House!

Everything around him blurred, his heart slammed into his chest, and an indescribable emotion tore through his very soul.

Ella did exactly what he asked her not to. She lied right to his face and said she wouldn’t say anything. The sign staring back at him was like a knife to the back, cutting deep.

He’d just begun building a relationship with his grandfather and now this… Joe would never forgive him.

Lucas wracked his brain, trying to think if he’d told anyone else, but the truth remained unwavering. Ella was the only person other than Joe who knew how bad Joe’s situation was, and since Joe would never in a million years subject himself to public humiliation, that only left one person.

His heart cracked open and every sweet smile, touch and laugh that she ever directed toward him dispersed. She didn’t care about him. If she did, she never would have done this. She knew how badly he wanted to keep this from getting out. How he wanted to figure out a plan on his own without having to out Joe to the town. By doing this, she took that chance away from him.

He ripped the sign off the pole, betrayal poking at him hot and insistent. His fingers destroyed the flyer, tossing it into the nearest trash can. Relief flooded him for a brief moment.

Maybe he and those few people were the only ones who saw the flyer. Maybe he could pretend the flyer never existed and those people didn’t know what they were talking about.

But then he looked out, down the boardwalk, and saw pole after pole, window after window, covered with the same unmistakable words:Help save Joe’s Lobster House!

His life spiraled out from under him. His world tilted, and he felt like he might go down when he spotted familiar long brown hair across the way.

He ripped one of the flyers off of another pole and stormed toward her. He came to an abrupt stop in front of her. Her face lighting up as she realized it was him but quickly dissolving into concern.

“What is it? Your father?” she asked, as if she had no idea what she’d done.

“How could you?”

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