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She nuzzled into his side, and he loved how perfectly she fit there. “We’ll figure it out,” she said.

We.He liked the sound of that. But how much longer could they go on like this? They were adults for fucks sake, and they were sneaking around like teenagers. He could admit it was fun, but he wanted to tell the world how much he adored this beautiful woman in his arms. He wanted to hold her hand as they strolled through the pier, share an ice cream sundae at Scoops, and kiss her whenever he had the urge. It was pure torture seeing her every day across the street in those sexy as hell dresses and tiny shorts.

He wanted to scream from the rooftops that Ella Moretti was his girl, and he didn’t give a damn what anyone thought. But this wasn’t his town, and it wasn’t his place to make that stand. Not if it could hurt Ella in anyway. Though he hoped her fears were merely inconsequential and that her family wouldn’t make her choose. Because he knew if it came down to it, she would choose them, and he would lose her forever.


Ella could feel the tension rolling off of Lucas, and she wanted to do something to help clear his mind. “Come on,” she said, holding her hand out to him. He looked at it for a second before glancing up at her.

“Where are we going?”

“Take my hand and find out.”

He slipped his much bigger hand into hers, and with all her might, she pulled back, helping him to his feet. She stumbled slightly but was steadied by his strong hand wrapping around her waist and holding her in place.

Unable to resist his adorable smirk, she lifted up on tiptoe and pressed her lips to his. She liked that she could kiss him whenever she wanted… at least out here on the beach away from the prying eyes of the rest of the town. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to do so anywhere else in Willow Cove without World War III erupting.

It wasn’t just her family either. Lucas’ grandfather had called her family delinquents. Not that he was completely wrong, but his words had been hurtful. Not that he seemed to care. Neither side could see beyond their hatred of each other; they were blinded by this stupid feud that Ella wished she could find a way to finally bring to an end.

“Grab the blanket,” she said with a sassy wink. If they couldn’t be together in the outside world then she was going to make the time they did have together as memorable as possible.

He tilted his head, and she spun away and started to walk. The cool air of late spring wrapped around her as she moved farther down the beach. Lucas caught up with her seconds later, the blanket draped over his arm. “Are you going to tell me another depressing story?” he asked.

She laughed. “You mean another romantic story?”

“If that’s what you want to call it.”

“No more stories. I want to show you something.”

“I’m intrigued,” he said.

“You should be.”

She ran her hands up and down her arms, fighting a chill caused by a cold breeze. Lucas draped the blanket over her shoulders. He rubbed her arms and leaned down near her ear. His warm breath sent a trail of goosebumps down her neck. “Better?” he asked.

“Yes, thank you.”

“You smell nice,” he said, his nose lingering near her neck.

“It’s probably my soap. It’s homemade.”

“You make soap?” he asked.

“Definitely not. My friend Krissy, the one who owns Scoops, she also makes and sells homemade soaps and lip balms. That’s her real passion. So the ice cream shop works out perfectly since it’s only open for the season. The rest of the time she can focus on her other business.”

“She makes it from scratch?”

“Yup, all organic. She even has a line made with beer.”

“Beer?” Lucas exclaimed. “Now that’s something I wouldn’t mind trying.”

“You can pick it up at Mind, Body, and Soul and a few other places in town.” Krissy did most of her sales in her online store, but many of the local shops were happy to let her set up a display. Being able to add the tag “locally made” helped draw the tourists in.

“What about you?” Lucas asked.

“What about me?”

“What’s your passion? Is it working at your family restaurant?”

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