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“I love you too,” I said, smiling and crying at the same time. The officiant handed me a tissue, and I turned to all four of my alphas and addressed them. “I can’t imagine my life without all of you. I feel like the luckiest omega in the world right now.”

Their chests puffed, and I could see the look of love in their eyes.

At that moment, Wayne kissed me. The intensity of his kiss devoured me with a fiery passion.

The force of his kiss left me gasping for air, my heart racing as I craved more. As he pulled away, a cocky grin spread across hisface, causing me to flush with intense desire and embarrassment all at once.

The guests rose to their feet, cheering loudly as Wayne held my hand and Jasper held the other.

After the wedding ceremony,Wayne decided to surprise me with a helicopter waiting for us outside the ranch.

The helicopter loomed before us like a beast, its dark metallic body glinting in the sun. I’d never been in one before, and I couldn’t help but grip my alphas’ hands tighter as we approached it.

“Are you scared, Ruby?” Jasper asked concerned.

“Just a little,” I admitted, still staring at the helicopter. My heart pounded in my chest, but not from fear. The marks from Davy, Rufus, and Jasper had left me more aroused than ever before. I kept picturing our wedding night and how it would happen.

Glancing back at my family one more time, I waved goodbye. My eyes landed on Ella, and I suddenly let go of my alphas’ hands, running to her one last time.

“I need to say goodbye to our baby,” I shouted. When I finally reached her, I placed a huge smooch on her face, and she giggled.

“Baby Ella will be alright for a few days,” Julie reassured me, resting a hand on her pregnant belly. “Just enjoy your time with your new husbands.”

“I know,” I said reluctantly, letting Ella go. I trusted Julie with my soul, and I knew I needed to rekindle my relationship with my pack after all we endured together.

My alphas joined me, each saying their goodbyes to Ella with gentle kisses and promises to return soon. We exchanged hugs with Julie, Benjamin, my mom, and Carmen before finally making our way back to the helicopter.

“Enjoy your night,” Julie called out to me, winking.

The helicopter ride began quietly, the hum of the engine filling the small cabin. I found myself lost in thought, the memories of our beautiful wedding ceremony playing out in my mind. It was hard to believe we were actually married now, especially considering how our first attempt had ended so disastrously.

“Your scent’s changed,” Rufus observed, his deep voice pulling me from my thoughts. He looked concerned. “Are you stressing out about something?”

“Not really, just remembering everything,” I sighed, rubbing my forehead as I leaned back against the seat. “I just can’t believe we’re actually married now, after everything with Marrok.”

At the mention of Marrok, Rufus’s eyes narrowed, and his jaw clenched. Anger radiated off him, and I knew he would do anything to protect me.

“Marrok will never go near you again,” Davy said firmly, his hand squeezing my thigh comfortingly. “I promise you that.”

But deep down, I was scared that he would one day escape prison and terrorize me again. We weren’t truly safe with him still being alive in this world.

Rufus purred into my neck until the racing of my heart slowed.

“Just rest now, baby,” said Rufus. “Rest before our wedding night together. Because you’ll need your energy for sure.”

“Why? What are you going to do to me?”

“I’m going to stuff your little asshole,” murmured Rufus, gripping my behind. “Wouldn’t you like that sweetheart?”

I swallowed as slick drenched my thong at the thought of two alphas pounding into me at the same time.

“I think so,” I mumbled so the pilot wouldn’t hear us.

“Mhm, you’re shy now, but you won’t be once you spread for every alpha tonight,” he whispered, kissing my ear, and my stomach flipped with nervousness.



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