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Davy’s voice trembled, but he kept his gaze locked on mine. “We can sense him fighting for his life, though it’s getting faint. He’s strong, Ruby. Don’t give up hope just yet.”



Isat numbly in the sterile hospital room, my hand wrapped tightly around Wayne’s.

The heart monitor beeped steadily, reminding me that he was still breathing, even if his heart rate was dangerously slow. The mark on my neck throbbed, bringing fresh tears to my eyes as I remembered his last words to me. He had marked me without hesitation, protecting me for all eternity.

“Don’t cry, Ruby,” Jasper said softly, handing me a tissue. “Wayne’s strong as hell. He’ll pull through.”

“I’ve never seen him like this before,” I whispered, dabbing at my tears. “He never showed weakness.”

Jasper squeezed my other hand and reassured me. “Even the strongest alphas are tested. He’ll make it, Ruby. You know how stubborn he can be.”

Rufus and Davy sat quietly, their somber mood filling the room.

After a moment of silence, Rufus broke the tension with a chuckle. “Remember that time Wayne caught us eating a huge crawfish feast instead of working?”

Davy grinned. “Damn, he was angry. He never liked to see us relax or have a good time with theworkers.”

“You know, if Wayne saw us sitting here, crying over him instead of working- he’d be furious,” said Rufus. They all chuckled, and the tension in the room eased, if only slightly.

I couldn’t help but smile, imagining Wayne barking at us to get a grip on ourselves. It was just like him to put duty above everything else, even in a situation like this. But my smile soon faded as reality sank in again that a member of our pack was here at the hospital fighting for his life.

I prayed silently that he would miraculously wake up and kiss me again.

After an hour, the beeping machines taunted me as I sat there in my blood-stained wedding dress, feeling numb and helpless. The crinkling of the fabric seemed to echo through the room as I stood up, desperate for some air.

“Where are you going?” Rufus asked, his eyes red-rimmed from lack of sleep.

“I need to call and check on Ella,” I replied, my voice trembling with emotion. He nodded silently, understanding my need to escape, if only for a moment.

My legs trembled with each step as I walked down corridors, looking for the bathroom. Patients and staff were giving me odd looks, probably wondering why the hell I was wearing a blood-covered wedding dress.

I was relieved when I finally located a small, secluded bathroom. I locked the door behind me, desperate for some privacy. I needed to be away from everyone.

My hands trembled as I reached for the sink, splashing warm water onto my face covered in blood. I tried to wash away the tears that rolled down my face uncontrollably.

As I gazed into the distorted reflection of myself in the mirror, I couldn’t help but wonder how my anticipated wedding day had spiraled into a harrowing nightmare. The tears continued to flow, merging with the droplets of water running down my cheeks as I replayed the image of Wayne lying motionless on the ground. Hisusually commanding presence was now replaced with an eerie stillness that shook me to the core.

I was glad the authorities had taken away Marrok, but I was worried about Henry’s reaction.

I loved Wayne with all my heart, and the thought of losing him made my chest ache with a pain I’d never known. Drying my face, I looked at my messy hair and blood-matted dress, wondering when this nightmare would end. Pulling out my phone, I dialed Julie’s number.

“Hello?” Julie’s voice came through the line.

“Hey, it’s Ruby,” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper.

“How’s Wayne doing?” she asked concerned. I called her on the way to the hospital and updated her on what was happening. It was terrible that I didn’t call my dad, but sometimes, it was easier to just talk to her.

“He’s… he’s hooked up to so many machines. He hasn’t woken up yet.” My voice broke as I spoke the words, the reality hitting me hard.

This was real.

“Oh no,” she said. “But sweetheart, don’t give up. I believe everything will be alright, and he’ll be back in your arms in no time.”

“Thank you,” I managed to choke out. “How’s Ella?”

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