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My scream turned to one of fear, and I didn’t want to keep pushing anymore. Tears streamed down my face, mingling withsnot, as I sobbed uncontrollably and wiped my nose with the edge of my dress during a brief respite from the contractions.

“I can’t,” I moaned, breathing hard with pain and terror.

“Push, Ruby,” Marrok urged, his voice unnervingly calm. “Soon, you’ll smell like sweet candy again, and we can go back to our lives together. Think about all the beautiful vacations we’ll go on.”

But all I could think about was the danger my baby was in and how horrible it would be if Marrok followed through on his threat. Another contraction hit, and I pushed once more, pleading with my eyes for him to spare my baby.

“Ah, the head is out!” Marrok exclaimed, his golden eyes burning with excitement. “The baby is crowning!”

My cries grew louder, each sob ripping at my heart as I continued to plead with him not to hurt my child. But he just watched me, ignoring my cries as I labored to bring this innocent life into the world.

Suddenly, I heard the rush of paws against the wooden floorboards.

My gaze snapped to the door, and I saw them. Four alpha wolves in their shifted forms, their massive bodies bristling with fury, their eyes on Marrok.

The momentI smelled the familiar scents of my pack, I felt relief from the outside threat, but I was still in a lot of pain in the middle of giving birth.

Marrok yelled as two of the wolves dragged him out of the room, their powerful forms moving with lightning speed. My heart pounded in my chest as one of the wolves shifted back into alpha form, revealing Jasper standing there, fully naked.

“Jasper,” I whispered, shock coloring my voice. But he didn’t waste any time.

“Ruby, I need you to focus and push,” he said gently as he gotin position between my legs while I screamed again from the pain. Marrok’s screams echoed in the background, but I didn’t care about him. All that mattered now was giving birth to my child safely. “Focus on me, Ruby. You’re safe now.”

I looked into Jasper’s blue eyes, drawing me in, and a calmness overtook the pain I was in. Davy rushed into the room, also naked, his red hair wild around him.

“Oh my god,” said Davy.

“It hurts,” I screamed, feeling red-hot pain sear down below.

“Davy, we need something to wrap the baby,” said Jasper. “I’m here, Ruby. Take a deep breath.”

“On it,” Davy replied, ripping off half the sheets while I screamed with pain. The baby’s head was fully out, and sweat poured down my neck as I took in deep breaths.

“Almost there, one last push,” Jasper encouraged. I gathered all my strength and pushed with everything I had left.

And then…the sweet sound of my newborn crying.

The sound brought my entire pack into the room. Rufus and Wayne had come into the room just in time to witness the birth. Wayne was still in wolf form, and he cut the umbilical cord gently with a claw.

The intense pain was dwindling, but I felt dizzy and sick as I closed my eyes, listening to my baby crying in Jasper’s arms. I smiled, relieved that my baby was safe.

“She’s beautiful,” said Wayne in wonder as he shifted back.

Rufus kissed my face, and I knew it was him with my eyes closed because of his scratchy beard.

“Ruby,” he muttered. Then, in a louder, panicked voice. “Ruby! Wake up.”

It was hard to respond to him because of how dizzy and confused I was at that moment. The pain was still there, pulsing below, but it felt distant.

“Fuck, she lost a lot of blood,” said Wayne.

“I’ll wash the baby, take care of Ruby,” shouted Jasper as he hurried out of the room. My eyes were open halfway to keeptrack of what was going on, but I could feel myself slipping away.

Pain wracked my body as Davy tried to staunch the bleeding using bedsheets while Wayne helped him.

Everything started to blur together, and I began to lose track of everyone.

“Ruby, stay with us,” said Davy in a worried voice. I felt so bad, and tears fell down my cheeks, wishing I could be there for the alphas I loved.

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