Page 90 of Maid for The Alphas

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“This is a lot,” I said.

“We need to make sure our omega is eating right,” said Zaff, feeding me a piece of cantaloupe from a fork, and I chewed on the juicy bite. He adjusted the watch on his hairy wrist. I wanted to touch his wrist, my favorite spot on him, but I had to talk to him first.

“Zaff,” I said, but he put a finger against my lips.

“Before you say anything, sweetheart,” he started. “I wanted to show you something.”

He presented a large picnic basket before me, and I looked at it, confused.

“What? We already have lots of food out.”

“Open the basket,” he said, and I could sense his contained excitement. Zaff’s eyes were sparkling, and I knew then that it was one of his surprises.

“Alright,” I said, opening the straw cover and setting it on the blanket. I looked inside, and my eyes widened when I saw the ring nestled perfectly between a piece of white silk fabric. A halo of delicate diamonds encircled the larger diamond in the center. My hand was trembling when I reached in for it.

“Breanna,” said Zaff, and I looked at him while holding the ring in my palm. My heart was beating so fast I thought I might pass out. “You are the only one I want. I mean it truly from my heart. The moment I set eyes on your stunning beauty, I wanted no other, regardless if you were a human, beta, or omega.”

I couldn’t say anything, shocked as he continued.

“On behalf of my entire pack and for myself, I want to ask if you would like to marry me. And be the treasured omega of our pack?”

The sincerity in his gaze spoke volumes to me.

My gaze met the eyes of my four alphas, each watching me with a mixture of hope and nervous anticipation. Their love shone brightly in their eyes, waiting for my answer.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I realized how much each of them meant to me.

“Yes,” I said, as tears rolled down my cheeks. Zaff picked up the ring from my palm and smiled as he slid it over my finger. “I would love to marry all of you.”

“Thank god,” Ruston said in the background, and I giggled. “Thought she was about done with us.”

Zaff leaned in towards me, and I automatically mirrored him.

Our lips met, and it was fireworks as we kissed before his entire pack. The kiss symbolized our engagement and union to be.

The kiss ended, and I noticed a tear in the corner of his eye.

“Are you crying?” I exclaimed. “You’re going to make me cry again.”

“No, it’s the wind,” he said gruffly, and his pack chuckled.

“It’s okay to let your emotions show,” I said, touched that he cared deeply about this moment. And that it meant a lot to him as it did to me.

“When do you want to get married? Because I want to marry you as soon as possible,” said Zaff.

“Are we having a big wedding?” asked Chad.

The four alphas surrounded me as I sat in the middle. With their eyes on me, I could feel their love surrounding me as they listened to my every word.

“How about just eloping?” I suggested.

“Hmm, not a bad idea,” said Zaff. “You sure about that?”

“My family is stuck at the compound, so it’ll be impossibleto have a proper wedding,” I said. “Plus, I always loved the idea of elopement. It looks romantic in movies.”

The alphas laughed, and I blushed at their hyper-attention of me.

“We will have whatever type of ceremony you want,” said Zaff. Then he held both of my hands in his hand, and we both looked at the sparkling gem on my finger. “Are you ready to be a married omega?”

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