Page 87 of Maid for The Alphas

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In the office, I waited for the doctor after the nurse took my blood and vitals. My family doctor wasn’t in today, so I’d be seeing a new doctor. I was nervous of what the answer would be and if it was for sure that I was pregnant.

A knock sounded on the door.

“Come in,” I said, and a short older woman wearing a doctor’s coat walked into the room. Her black hair was tied into a ponytail, and she looked strict as she held a clipboard.

“Hello, Breanna,” she said. “I’m Dr. Cary Smith.”

“Hi, Dr. Smith,” I said, shaking her hand as she sat on the rolling chair across from me.

“I’m sure you’ve been anxiously waiting,” she said with a smile. “Congratulations…you’re pregnant.”

“Oh,” I said, my heart pumping harder. It was real. “Are you sure?”

“Of course, I’m sure,” she said. “The blood test doesn’t take too long to confirm.”

I didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad, so I sat there shocked for a full minute. Then I laid a hand on my belly, wondering about the life within.

The doctor took an ultrasound, and I walked away from the appointment, tucking the envelope of the sonogram into my purse before meeting up with Chad.

“How did the appointment go?” he asked.

“It was fine,” I said. “They’ll let us know when to pick up the birth control.”

“Good,” he said with a grin. “Let’s go home then.”

I managed to smile so he wasn’t suspicious of me as we walked to the car. My mind raced with every step towards the car because I still couldn’t believe the news I was told.

I was going to be a mother in nine months.

“What’s wrong, darling?”asked Zaff at the dinner table.

I was constantly fidgeting and moving around the vegetables on my plate with my fork. I didn’t realize I had zoned off into my thoughts until Zaff snapped me out of it.

“Nothing,” I said quickly. I looked at my plate, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.

“Something is clearly bothering her,” said Chad. “All day, she was being like this, and I swear to god I didn’t do anything to her.”

“Oh no,” said Ruston, and now all eyes were on me. “Are you okay, Bree?”

Breathing hard, I shot up from the chair, and I couldn’t stop the tears from rolling down my eyes. They would all leave me soon, and I would be alone in the end.

Pregnant and alone.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” I snapped. “I just need rest, that’s all.”

They stared at me in shock as I picked up my plate to take it to the kitchen, but I dropped it because my hands were trembling so much.

I got down on my knees to clean the mess.

“Bree, it’s okay,” Zaff said in a gentle voice. He dropped to his knees before me, placing a calm hand over my shaking ones. “I’ll have someone clean this up. You’re the lady of our home now.”

I bit my lip and nodded before getting up. I still wasn’t used to being treated like this. Like a gentle object that could get broken and handled with care by the alphas.

“I’m going to get some rest,” I said and quickly walked away before any of them could follow me. I needed to get to my room and think without the scent of the alphas around me.

That night, I tried to sleep in my huge bed alone after ignoring their gentle knocking on the door. I felt sad as I cried into my pillow, knowing that they were worried about me.

I couldn’t get attached to them more than I already have.

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