Page 85 of Maid for The Alphas

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I exploded heavily inside her while I clutched her ass cheeks open. She gasped at the amount of liquid I had been holding back.

I could barely breathe as I gasped for air after the most powerful orgasm I ever had.

“Fuck yes,” I grunted as Ruston guided us toward the bed. We gently placed her in the middle of us as our cocks swelled inside her privates.

“Do you feel nice and full little omega?” Ruston asked her.

“I do,” she said, cuddling against his chest since he was lying in front of her, knotted into her pussy. I pushed the strands of her hair away from her shoulder.

I kissed her soft skin with reverence and love.

Intense feelings of wanting to permanently make her mine came over me. But Zaff had said he was going to propose to her, and I forced my wolf fangs to retract, so I didn’t mark her at this moment.

I needed to wait until she gave us her final answer.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Two Weeks Later

Two weeks after my heat, Chad’s arm was around my waist as we quietly watched the baby shark hatching from its egg in the tank. The morning started out quiet, with me drinking coffee and watching videos on my phone until Chad yelled out that the egg was hatching.

“Look,” said Chad.

The room was dimly lit, casting a serene glow over the tank. The only sound was the soft hum of the filtration system and the occasional bubble rising to the surface. We were completely absorbed in this moment, a moment we had been waiting for days.

I glanced at Chad, his eyes reflecting the same excitement and wonder as mine.

And then, it happened.

A tiny crack appeared on the surface of the egg, barely noticeable at first but enough to send a surge of excitement coursing through me.

We leaned in closer, my heart racing with the tiny life about to emerge.

As we watched, holding our breath, the crack widened, revealing a glimpse of the creature inside. My hand tightened around Chad’s, our fingers interlocking from shared excitement.

“Aww, oh my god,” I exclaimed.

Minutes stretched into eternity as we witnessed the miracle unfolding before our very eyes. And then, with a sudden burst of movement, the baby shark emerged from its shell, a tiny, wriggling bundle of life. Its body was sleek, and its skin was a silver-gray adorned with faint patterns.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched the newborn shark explore its new world. Beside me, Chad squeezed my hand, his own eyes shining with emotion.

“Look at him go,” said Chad.

“Isn’t he the most adorable little thing?” I said. We couldn’t take our eyes off the little shark swimming inside the neon tank.

“What do you want to name him?” asked Chad.

“I love the color of his fin,” I said. “Fin?”

“How about Finley?” he suggested, and I immediately agreed.

It was such a perfect name for my very first pet.

“I love it,” I said, smiling. I spun around towards Chad and we kissed on the lips to the sounds of the baby shark splashing in the tank. “I’m going to come back later to check on our pet, but I need to do something quick.”

“Like what, babe?” asked Chad. “We’re all alone. Let’s do some freaky things before everyone gets back.”

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