Page 64 of Maid for The Alphas

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“I want to help her,” she said. “Your aunt.”


“I’m sick and tired of omegas having their lives planned for them,” she said. “Now that it involves my family, I had to take some action. I heard my fathers’ phone call with Henry. Apparently, someone named Alan tipped him off that there was a runaway omega, and I was happy to hear she escaped. But my dads decided to take her on for her safety.”

“Oh no,” I said, as dread settled in my stomach amongst my sudden cramping. “Alan is my dad. He’s still such an asshole, what the fuck?!”

“I’m sorry,” she said, driving at high speeds down the road. “At least we’ll know where your aunt will be, and when nightfall comes, we can help free her.”

“Okay,” I said, somehow trusting this omega. She seemed intelligent and capable. “Will your family hurt her?”

“No way,” she said with a firm shake of her head. “I know my family. They will take care of her.”

“How about your mom? Wouldn’t she be upset?”

She started to become teary-eyed, and I began to wonder why that was the case.

“I’d rather not talk about that,” she said.

“Okay, sorry,” I said immediately, regretting that I asked. She drove down the road while we listened to the news on the radio. Another hard cramp hit me, and I groaned, holding onto the door handle.

“Are you in heat or something?” she asked.

“No, I’m a beta,” I gritted out through my pain. “Can we stop at a gas station real quick?”

“Alright, hold on.”

When we reached the gas station, I quickly went in and bought a box of pads along with a box of Advil. I ran to the bathroom. There was nothing on my underwear, but I still attached a pad to it just in case something happened later. Before leaving the gas station, I bought a bunch of snacks and water for our trip because it was a long trip to get to El Paso.

“That’s a lot of snacks,” said Ruby, eyeing the bags of chips and cookies in my hands.

“Yeah, I got some for you, too,” I said.

“Um, I prefer fresh fruit or vegetables,” she said.Oh, she was one of those omegas.The ones that liked to keep in shape, and she probably had a lot of money, judging from the type of car she was driving.

“More for me then,” I shrugged, closing the door. After taking the painkiller, my pain went away temporarily, and I was able to eat some chips. I pulled out my phone to try calling my aunt and then realized I hadn’t checked the trailer for her phone.

The phone rang, but no one picked up. I wondered if she was frightened out of her mind or scared. If only we had moved when she told me, all of this wouldn’t have happened.

My eyes started to water.

“Don’t cry,” said Ruby, who looked uncomfortable at mydisplay of emotion. “My family won’t hurt her, and we’ll get her out somehow.”

I blew my nose into a tissue.

“It’s all my fucking fault,” I said. “She worked so hard to escape with me, and because I didn’t agree to move, she’s gone now.”

“It was bound to happen,” said Ruby. “Bad things happen to omegas all the time.”

“And betas,” I said. “Thanks for trying to help.”

“I don’t mind at all,” she said.

“By the way, cute scent,” I said, taking a swig of my water bottle.

“It’s lame,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Too fucking girly, and the alphas think I’m just dying for them.”

“Well, I think cotton candy is pretty cool,” I said, wishing I had a scent of my own. Then maybe Zaff and his pack wouldn’t have dumped me so quickly. If I were an omega, they would have kept me around. I shouldn’t have gotten attached to them at all, but I tried not to overthink it during the car ride to the place I grew up in. Dread filled me at the thought of going back there after escaping, but it’s not like I had a choice right now.

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