Page 63 of Maid for The Alphas

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“It matters,” he said darkly, grasping my wrist and making my heart palpitate. “Why did you lie, Breanna?”

“Because I’m not one hundred percent human.”

“What? What thefuckare you talking about?”

Chapter Twenty-Five


“I’m a beta,” I said, my voice barely a whisper, but I knew he could hear me. At my revelation, his eyes widened, and he took a couple of steps back.

My stomach twisted, disgusted with myself for lying to alphas. I was the lowest in the hierarchy, and I had no rights.

“I don’t know what to say,” he said in shock, simply staring at me as he handed the envelope to me. “I’m so confused. Take the money. The protection I’ve given you is over. Effective immediately.”

I could hardly breathe as I watched him get into his expensive car.

My heart felt like it was crumbling when I heard the sound of the engine one last time. He didn’t even look at me as he drove off into the night.

I felt like a piece of shit right now.

His words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating, as if the universe itself conspired against my happiness. The world around me blurred into a hazy mess of tears. The car was now a fading dot in the distance, taking away its promise of love.

I sank to the cold asphalt, the forgotten money on thefloor as the world seemed to spin uncontrollably. My breath hitched as I gasped for air, the sobs tearing through my chest. The pain was physical, a dull ache that resonated from the pit of my stomach to the tips of my trembling fingers.

I had no idea how long I sat there. It could have been an hour or even three hours.

Slowly, I got up and walked towards the trailer, which was about a two-minute walk from where I was. I couldn’t stop thinking about how disgusted he looked at the thought of knotting a beta this entire time. Well, wouldn’t fucking a human be even worse? He just proved to me that there weren’t any good alphas in the world.

The front door was ajar, and I looked at it quizzically.

I thought I had closed the door to the trailer before I left. Walking inside, I found a mess of scratches on the floor that hadn’t been there before. I could even swear it.

Aunt Julie wasn’t inside, sleeping in her usual spot.

“Auntie?” I called out, walking through the rest of the trailer. Not seeing her anywhere, I began to panic and thought maybe Zaff had something to do with it.

She wasn’t outside for her smoke, and it was only four a.m. There was nowhere she could have gone.

I ran outside shouting for my aunt. I was about to call the police, but a female voice stopped me.

“I know where she is,” she said, stepping out of the bushes. It was a woman in an all-black leather outfit. She had long dark hair and perfectly tanned skin. She was a stunning beauty, and I noticed that she had a cotton candy scent to her.

She was an omega.

“Who are you?” I asked, immediately on guard. I had never seen an omega outside of the Alpha Compound simply wandering around.

“I’m Ruby,” she said, sticking her hand out, but I didn’t shake it. I was wary of her already.What the hell was she doinghere? And did she have something to do with my aunt going missing?

“What are you doing here?” I said, getting right to the point. A sudden cramping took over my right side, and I leaned against the trailer for support, waiting for the pain to pass as I winced.

“They took her,” said Ruby with wide eyes. “My fathers were supposed to take her as a second omega.”

“What?” I asked. This wasn’t making sense at all.

“Henry’s orders. I can explain in the car,” she said, with an ardent look in her eyes.

“Fine,” I said, and I rushed to follow her to the small black car. Once we were inside, I started to question her. “Why are you even out here?”

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