Page 40 of Maid for The Alphas

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After finally making it through the path of darkness and gloom, I finally came upon the road. There weren’t any cars out this late at night, and I saw only one other person sitting at the bus stop, hunched and wearing a dirty baseball cap.

I stood a little bit away from him as I waited eagerly for the bus.

“Miss,” he said, standing up and walking towards me.

Oh, come on.Not now, I thought. I couldn’t deal with the creeps right now. I just wanted to go home and sleep in for my off day.

“Yes?” I said, turning to the guy with the dirty baseball cap. He was holding out a cardboard with a watch on it, which I was sure was covered in fake gems.

“Would you be interested in buying one of these? Bestquality, and you won’t find it anywhere else,” he said, grunting out his words like it was hard to talk. His eyes were cloudy, and he looked like he wasn’t in his right mind.

“No, thank you,” I said as politely as possible to preserve my life. I was alone with this man and if I made him mad, he could do anything to me.

“It’s only ten dollars,” he persisted, walking closer, and I slowly backed away.

“No, it’s okay,” I said. “Thank you, though.”

“Are you sure? You look so pretty, and you’ll look even prettier wearing one of these beauties,” he said.

“Yes, I’m sure,” I said again, wondering when this dude would get the message and stop. But my answer seemed to enrage him, to my dismay.

“You think you’re all that, huh?”

“No…I’m just not interested.”

“Women these days are too much,” he said. “Why are you backing away from me? Are you accusing me of something?”

“No,” I said, dread going down my stomach. He was a difficult one. “I’m just not interested.”

“Are you scared that I might hurt you? Not all men are the same,” he said, getting even closer, and his breath smelled rank. His teeth were dirty yellow. “But you know what? Maybe I should do it. I haven’t had pussy in a long time.”

Fear gripped me as to how fast this escalated. This guy wasn’t right in the head, and it was either run off into the darkness, with him chasing me, or waiting for the bus to come and get assaulted right here.

A sudden low growl sounded from behind the man.

He turned, and whatever he saw made him drop everything in his hands. The watch fell to the floor, splitting into a million different pieces.

“Fuck,” he shouted, running off and revealing the werewolf growling right behind him. Fear struck me as well, and Iquickly tried to back away, but when the man disappeared around the corner, the werewolf stopped growling.

But as I stared at him, I recognized his deep brown eyes.

It had to be Oscar who had shifted into his alpha wolf form. It was a feeling inside me that I knew right away and couldn’t shake off.

The werewolf, sensing my relief, came towards me and lowered himself to my feet, waiting for me to climb on.

“No, it’s okay,” I said. “I’m waiting for the bus so I can go home.”

The werewolf nudged my ankle to get on his back, and I rolled my eyes as I climbed over him. In the next second, he bounded across the road and back towards the house. I clung to his neck for dear life as my purse wobbled at my side and the wind slapped my face.

It felt adventurous, and for some reason, I felt safe being with him. It was a normal thing to see werewolves prowling around when I used to live back at home with my family. Feelings were starting to grow on my part for these alphas, and it was happening too quickly because the thought of going back to them felt amazing.

It was like a high that I couldn’t explain.

But I had to reign in the feelings quick because, eventually, they would need an omega at the end. An omega to bear them all the babies they wanted.

I didn’t fit their criteria at all. I didn’t belong.

When we reached the house,Oscar wasn’t happy with me when he shifted back into his alpha form. We stood in front of the door, not going inside yet until I could hear a piece of his mind.

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