Page 9 of Freed By The Pack

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“What? You’re the one who offered,” said Ian, who was intensely concentrating on the puzzles and lying on his belly.

“Ian,” said Evan with a low growl, and Ian sighed. I bit my lip as Ian looked at me, and he smiled.

“You’re lucky you’re cute as fuck,” said Ian, and I looked down bashfully.

“Sorry, I don’t want to be annoying. It’s seriously fine. You don’t have to get it,” I said.

“I want to, don’t worry little omega,” said Ian. “I just give my pack a hard time, that’s all. I’ll even cook the food for you, if it comes to that.” After that declaration, he left the room, and I let out a long breath.

“Eating some food will help relax you,” said Sergio, his lips near my ear. It sent the good type of shivers down my spine, nothing like the type of fear Brett aroused in me. We continued to put the puzzles together while I debated with myself whether to tell him or not. But as more time passed, I started to forget the fear I felt earlier today and instead decided to focus on the alphas with me right now.

“Your food,” said Ian, coming into the room with a stacked plate. My stomach growled immediately at the delicious aroma of chicken, and the men chuckled softly. I grabbed the plate and tried to eat each piece of chicken elegantly like a lady.

“Just relax,” said Sergio.

At his words, I dropped my fork and knife, grabbed the drumstick, and took a big bite.

I didn’t care anymore.

I was way too hungry right about now. I dipped each piece of chicken into the mashed potato, eating it messily while trying to balance the plate on my lap. I could feel something hard underneath me and realized with shock that it was Sergio’s dick.

He was hard while I continued to eat like a fiend on his lap.

My face warmed at the thought as I continued eating, but I slowed down as I got more full. I looked up and saw that the men had already put together half the puzzle board.

“You guys are fast,” I commented as I chugged down the water bottle. “I struggled for hours trying to put together five pieces.”

“The puzzle pieces are too small for my fingers,” complained Evan, sitting back and watching as Ian put them together like a pro. Sergio’s hands cradled my waist as I ate, but once in a while, he’d see a puzzle piece and fit it in.

His cock underneath me felt like it was coming alive and growing bigger the more I ate. I started to wonder ifhispuzzle piece would fit into mine, but I couldn’t think of those thoughts. Going into heat in this place would be a disaster.

Slick moisture gathered between my legs as I sat there, and I couldn’t help but squirm a little on his lap to feel if it was really his penis. The small groan he released told me he was horny but trying not to show me. I jiggled my butt over him again, and more slick drenched my pussy, trailing down my inner thighs.

“You better stop that,” he growled in my ear, sending butterflies to my stomach.

“I’m all done eating,” I said quickly.

I hopped off his lap, my face flushed as I quickly headed to the bathroom. Washing the oil from my hands thoroughly with soap, I wondered how I would cuddle with three men instead of just two like it had always been. My face grew warmer at the thought of Evan and his handsome good looks. Sergio had the brains, which attracted me immensely, but I could tell Evan might be into sports. Ian was fun to hang around and just easy to be with, which I liked. If I had to be with a pack, I enjoyed being around them.

“Sorry, I’m back,” I said, blushing when they all gazed at me hungrily.

“Let’s get you to bed now, Liv,” said Sergio, nodding at my clothes and indicating for me to remove them. I could sense the dark passion stirring underneath his gaze as he waited for me to strip down.

Chapter 5


Iwasn’tsupposedtobe feeling like this, but my dick was hard as fuck while I watched the shy omega slowly remove her baggy shirt and sweatpants.

I saw the hint of her red cheeks as she blushed.

My heart thundered in my chest, watching her unhook her bra which tumbled to the floor. Her ample pale breasts were finally freed of their constraint as she quickly pulled down her black panties.

I had to do this for the camera that was blinking high up on the ceiling. But now, it was turning into something of my own pleasure, but I couldn’t allow myself to lose control around this omega who brought out the beast in me. I was shocked to see her playing puzzles, and it turned me on that she found fun in that sort of stuff. Most omegas cared more about their looks, preening themselves all day for alphas.

But this omega looked like she couldn’t care less as she snuggled under the sheets and closed her eyes. Her scent of arousal wafted all around the room, and I could sense the other alphas getting antsy as they removed their robes. I stalked to the bed and dropped my robe at the foot of the bed, climbing over the sheets. Ian and Evan each took a side next to her, but I wanted to lay between her thighs. It was the position that was encouraged by Henry’s protocols if there were three or more alphas in the bed with the omega. The two alphas snuggled under sheets next to her while I lay on top of the sheet so as to not alarm her. I nudged her thighs with my nose, and she bit her lip as she slowly spread her thighs so I could lay my head in the middle.

I knew the type of alphas watching through the cameras. Any infractions could get me punished or killed. Bringing an omega to heat by force didn’t turn me on like it did other alphas. But we all didn’t have a choice at this moment, and the only saving grace I had was the pill I would provide for her in the morning.

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