Page 60 of Freed By The Pack

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“Well, I know what you’ve been through,” she said sheepishly.

At that, I shot up from my seat, breathing rapidly. “You don’t have a clue what happened to me. None of you have a fucking clue what I went through! Why don’t you all stop pretending to be my friends and go back to your fucking lives?”

“Whoa, whoa,” said Adam, getting up and touching my arm, but I shook him off, backing away. Lacy sat there silently with a shocked look on her face, her eyes wide and filled with tears.

“I didn’t mean for…” she started to say, but I cut her off while Adam and Manny watched us.

“I need to be alone,” I snapped, walking off into the trees away from all of them. Then I turned back, “Don’t wait for me! Go home if you want. I’ll get home on my own.”

“Olivia,” said Lacy, trying to come after me, but I held up a hand.

“Just don’t,” I said. “How could you have a whole wedding without me there? You didn’t give two fucks if I was left at the camp, did you?”

“I tried,” she said. “I promise you I did. I told myself you would be fine until help arrived.”

“No, I wasn’t fine,” I retorted. “I was raped. Not once or twice but multiple times and with multiple alphas. How about you do me a favor and leave?”

“Oh my god, I’m so fucking sorry,” she said, tears in her eyes now. “Olivia, please.”

“I’m serious,” I said, turning my gaze to trees before me. “I can’t talk to you. I can’t even look at you right now. Maybe one day I’ll get over it, but today’s not the day.”

“I’m so sorry,” she said, openly sobbing. “I knew this would happen. I begged my alphas, but no one would go back or even let me.”

I didn’t give a fuck right now. As I stalked off, my pulse thundered in my head, and my heart was pounding hard. I couldn’t think straight right now. I couldn’t think at all as I walked farther and farther away from the camp.


I was parked near Olivia’s house.

Just like I did every evening, watching her through her bedroom window. An innate alpha feeling within me compelled me to make sure this omega was okay. Ian and Evan had no idea of my extracurricular activity, which was watching her at night.

But she wasn’t here today, and I was starting to get worried.

She wasn’t laying in her bed all day, in her pajamas, and she wasn’t pacing around anxiously, biting her nails with a pen in hand.Where could she have gone?I knew she wasn’t in the state of mind to go anywhere, and it was already the end of the day.

Getting out of my car, I walked towards the house.

I took in a deep breath before knocking on the front door. I had to think of something quick to say.

But the door opened, and her mother stood there with a happy smile on her face. I knew it was her mother because of the same oval-shaped eye structure that Liv had and her dark hair.

“Hello, how can I help you?” she asked.

“I know we haven’t met yet,” I said, sticking out my hand. “But I was one of the alphas who helped rescue your daughter from the OBC.”

She shook my hand.

“That horrible place,” she sighed. “Thank you for saving my daughter. You must be Sergio, that Ian was telling me about.”

“You have a good memory,” I said, smiling.

“Come inside, please,” she said, and I followed her into her home. Two of her alphas were sitting on the couch, conversing, and one in the kitchen. They stopped talking upon seeing me.

“Who’s this?” asked one of them gruffly, standing in front of his omega. “Jade, you can’t just let anyone in.”

“It’s okay, Caleb,” she said hastily. “This is Sergio.”

“Hello, Sergio,” said Caleb, immediately shaking my hand with an iron grip, and upon releasing my hand, my fingers nearly fell off. “It’s nice to meet you, Sergio. What can we do for you?”

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