Page 56 of Freed By The Pack

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“She’s here,” I heard my fathers saying as they also sprinted out of the house. I opened my tear-stained eyes to see them eying at Ian and Evan.

“They’re good,” I quickly said. “They saved my life.”

“Thank you,” said my dad, Caleb, hugging the two alphas. Then my dads hugged me next, and I smiled tearfully. I couldn’t believe I was finally home and out of the hellhole.

“Lacy’s here too,” my mom said, and I saw my cousin hesitantly approaching our little circle.

Her hand was over her belly, and she was biting her lip. I could tell she was pregnant even though she wasn’t showing too much yet.Wow. A brief thought flashed through my mind that she’d completely forgotten me. I blinked, trying to dispel the thought, and I smiled brightly at her to show no hard feelings.

“Did you miss me?” I said.

“Of course,” she said, hugging me, and I hugged her back. “I’m so sorry cousin.”

“You did what you had to do,” I said, vowing never to tell anyone what truly happened to me. I would just pretend everything was back to normal, and I would force all my past memories of the camp to disappear from my mind.

“I know, but still,” she said, tears in her eyes. Her pink lipstick glistened in the sun. “I never wanted to leave you there…”

“Listen, it’s fine,” I said more firmly. “Let’s just never talk about that place again, okay?”

She nodded gratefully, “okay.”

“I made food,” said my mom. “Let's eat girls. Would you like to join us, Ian and Evan?”

“We have quite a busy day,” started Ian, but Evan cut him off.

“Yes, we’d love to join you,” said Evan.

As I walked back into my childhood home, arm in arm with my cousin and my mother, I took in the delicious smell of baked bread.

It was so good to be back.

I hadn’t realized how much I missed my old life until I walked in. I had felt like a shell of a person for too long, trapped at the camp. Without a family and without a proper home, it had turned me almost soulless.

But now- a new warmth settled inside my heart, and my eyes pricked with tears as I sat at the table with everyone. I was given a new lease on life, and I was going to make sure I made the best of it.

Chapter 26


Itwasdark.Theroom was always dark as I huddled in my corner.

But the door slammed open, and I jumped, trying to scoot back against the wall until the cold concrete seeped through my skin. I couldn’t hide any longer. He lifted me by the hair until I was on my hands and knees.

“Please let me go,” I screamed.

“Shush, little Button,” said Brett. “You’re going to get used to me holding your hair while I fuck you from behind.”

“Wake up, Libby. Wake up.”

My eyes snapped open, my heart racing from the nightmare. I saw my mother sitting beside me, her hand on my shoulder. My pillow was drenched with tears, and I was sweating bullets.

I was so glad to be awake.

“Sorry,” I said, shivering as the remnants of the dream disappeared from my memory. But it would happen again. The memories were always buried deep within me, no matter how hard I tried to forget.

“It’s been a week, and you’re always crying in your sleep,” said Mom with sorrow in her eyes. “What happened to you, Libby? Will you ever tell me?”

“Fine,” I sighed, closing my eyes. I was always her strong daughter, and I always acted like I had everything under control. But this was too much even for me to bear.

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