Page 55 of Freed By The Pack

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“I thought she was gone?”

“Serg,” I said, breathing hard and trying to wiggle loose of their knots, but I was stuck in place.

“Not yet,” breathed Ian.

“You said you were leaving this morning,” said Sergio, slamming the door behind him and walking into the house. He dropped his keys onto the kitchen counter and stood there with his arms crossed. His eyes darkened as he saw me skewered between the two men, and his chest heaved up and down from his own arousal.

I didn’t realize how much I missed him.

“Sorry, we got carried away, Serg,” said Evan, who was rubbing the kinks from my shoulders. “Why are you so mad at us?”

“You know why,” he growled, watching me while I leaned my head against Ian’s chest. “I’ll stay upstairs until you guys take her back to her parents.”

“Are you serious?” I said.

“I might lose control,” he said, his nostrils flaring at my cherry scent in the air. “Like right about fucking now.”

“You won’t,” I said, then he stalked towards me and touched my chin with his finger.

“What makes you so sure, little omega?” he said.

“Because you didn’t lose control last time,” I whispered. “You came back to me at the last second. I trust you.”

He grunted and stood up over me.

“To see you with my pack’s cocks inside you is nearly sending me into a rut,” he said.

“Then do it,” I challenged. I missed him enough so he could touch me again, but instead, he backed away from me like I was a ticking bomb. Tears rolled down my cheeks. It was unreasonable, and I was angry at myself for crying.

My pussy twitched again over Ian’s cock as I saw Sergio’s hard-on beneath his pants. He looked worse for wear in a dirty gray shirt and black jeans. His face was unshaven, and his hair unkempt.

“I will see you around, Liv,” he said, making his way up the stairs without turning back to look at me.

“Let’s go,” said Evan when I lingered at the front door of their home. I wanted to say goodbye to Sergio one last time, but maybe he was right.

“Alright, I’m coming,” I said, slowly turning away from the home and following Ian to the black car. I had to close this chapter of my life forever and start over as fresh as possible with a new pack who didn’t know my past.

It was the only way.

As I sat on the passenger side, I felt a little bit sad that Sergio didn’t come out to kiss me or at least say bye after everything. Apparently, he didn’t care enough, and I had to get over him. Ian reached over, grabbing my thigh while he drove. Evan rode in the backseat, with me cuddling me to him.

“Don’t think too hard,” said Ian. “Serg will do his own thing, no matter what we tell him.”

“He can be a stubborn son of a bitch,” said Evan. “But on the bright side, you’re finally going to see your family today.”

“I am,” I said, lighting up at the thought. I missed my family. They were everything to me. After giving Ian my address, I sat back and relaxed while I listened to the music playing in the car.

“I’m sure you’re excited about that,” said Evan, and I nodded quietly. I was excited, but the innocent light I had before my attack was extinguished. It felt like there was a dark cloud looming over me at all times now.

When we arrived at my family’s home, I saw a bunch of cars parked in the driveway.

“Wait, drive slower,” I said, quickly looking into the mirror above me to touch up my hair and makeup. I was wearing the short dress that Sergio had bought for me since I had nothing else to wear.

Ian parked the car, and we walked to the house together while Evan carried my bags. Before I could ring the doorbell, my mother flew out the door, hugging me. Her perfume hit my nose, and suddenly, I was overcome with emotion at her familiar scent. Everything about her represented a safer time in my life.

I broke down crying as she hugged me soundlessly.

“Shh, it’s okay now, Libby,” she said. “You’re home now.”

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