Page 53 of Freed By The Pack

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“Are you sure?” I asked. “He seemed pretty angry with me.”

“Trust me, he isn’t angry at you, sweetheart.”

“Okay,” I said, closing my eyes. “I’m so tired.”

“Get some sleep, little omega,” said Evan, kissing my forehead as Ian kissed my shoulders. “Sleep while our knots are inside of you. It’ll be the best sleep of your life.”

Yawning again, I couldn’t fret any more about Sergio since the impending sleep was taking over. My body was weak and aching from having sex all day.

“Goodnight, my alphas,” I said, half-asleep. I was not sure of what I was saying now, but I’d probably regret it later. “Love you.”

“We love you too, baby,” whispered Ian, hugging me tight from behind as he spooned me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

Bright and early the next morning, I carefully crawled from the middle of their sleeping bodies so I could use the bathroom. It had been a peaceful night, and I only woke up once in excruciating pain, which Ian took care of while Evan snored next to me. I looked around for Sergio, and my heart sank when I didn’t see him.

The ache between my legs was a reminder of all the knotting as I brushed my teeth and showered. Washing my hair felt good, and a little self-care time was all I needed right now. I massaged my scalp with an extra lather of shampoo, just thinking about how I got here. The past few weeks of my life had been a blur, and I couldn’t wait to get back into a normal rhythm again.

After my shower and putting on a fresh pair of black panties with a matching bra- I threw on a thin dress that Sergio had bought. The dress stopped just at my thighs, showing off my legs. I looked back at the snoring alphas and smiled. Ian looked carefree and relaxed with one arm draped across the pillow as he lay on his stomach. Evan’s black hair was all mussed up as he lay sprawled on the other end of the huge bed.

It was best to let them rest until I needed a knot again.

I felt fine right now, with only small twinges of pain. Maybe the first day of a heat was the worst, but now it wasn’t so bad.

I tiptoed out of the room, showered and fresh as I walked down the stairs. It felt nice not to have slick constantly running down my thighs, my pussy eager for the next knot.

My pussy twitched at the thought.

Hmm…some tea would be nice, I thought. As I walked into the living room, I saw a bundle of bright orange roses sitting on the dining table with a note next to it. I looked around the room for Sergio and realized he still wasn’t home.Where the hell was he?

Picking up the letter, I quickly zoomed through it and grew upset with every word:

Dear Liv,

I’m so sorry for what happened last night. I should have controlled myself around you more, and there is no excuse for what happened. It wasn’t your fault at all, sweetheart. I’m going to stay away for your own safety until your heat’s over, and Ian will take you home. It was the greatest pleasure to have known you. You are the strongest, most beautiful omega I’ve ever met.

Keep your chin up, honey, and don’t hesitate to call me if you ever need anything. My number will be on the back of this letter.

With all the love,


Sighing, I folded the letter and left it on the table as I went into the kitchen. I didn’t want Sergio to just up and leave. I thought we’d at least talk about it, and something nagged at my heart to see him again. Maybe it was for the best that I didn’t see him again so I wouldn’t be saddled with a pack. But my heart was torn at the thought of never seeing him again.

I poured water into the teapot and watched it over the electric stove, waiting for it to boil while lost in my thoughts.

“Livvy,” said Ian, joining me in the kitchen. “You look upset, baby. Was it the letter Sergio left for you?”

“You saw it?”

“Sorry it was left on the table.”

“It’s okay,” I said, sighing.

“But are you okay?”

He wrapped his arms around me from behind, and I leaned into his chest for comfort. His wide chest was warm, and it felt right pressing up against him. He nuzzled my neck, waiting for an answer as he purred into me.

“I didn’t want him to leave completely,” I muttered as I stared at the tea kettle. “Do you have tea in this kitchen? I didn’t look into the cabinets or anything.”

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