Page 47 of Freed By The Pack

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“Oh,” I said, shocked by the intensity of his declaration and passion. He was actually serious that he’d fight for me. “You are all amazing to me, and I feel safer around you. Without a doubt, but like I said, being an omega for a pack scares me a little.”

“Don’t stress,” he said, kissing me again on the lips. “Whatever you decide at the end, I’ll respect your decision. We would never mark and take an omega by force.”

I nodded gratefully, and for the next few minutes, we relaxed, hugging each other in the water for the duration of him knotted inside of me.

Chapter 22


AftermybathwithEvan, I walked into the bedroom and saw Sergio placing several shopping bags on the bed.

“What’s in those?” I asked curiously, clutching the towel around my chest.

“I’m going to get dressed in my room, babe,” said Evan, kissing me on the lips. The water dripping down his tanned skin was a sight to see.

“Okay,” I said, and he left the room, winking back at me when he caught me checking out his muscled ass cheeks. I smiled and shook my head as I turned back to Sergio, seeing him laying out lotions and perfumes on the dresser.

“I went and bought a few stuff that omegas usually want,” he said. “Stuff that you might need.”

“Why thank you,” I said. “Thanks for thinking about that. Not many alphas are that thoughtful.”

“You were exposed to the very worst of us,” he growled, carefully placing the brand-new combs and hair sprays next to the perfume. “I also got you some underwear and clothes you might need. Wouldn’t want you to sit naked at the dinner table tonight, but actually, on second thought…”

“Don’t even,” I said, walking over to where he was arranging everything. I dropped the towel onto the plush carpet, used to everyone seeing me naked by now. But I could hear him stop what he was doing. As I squirted lotion onto my hand, I could see him from the side of my eye. He was pretending to organize the toiletry, but his head was turned towards me.

“What are you doing?” he breathed.

“Just putting on the lotion you bought for me,” I said. “I mean, you’ve seen me naked before.”

“Ah…yes, that’s right,” he said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

“Are you just going to sit there and watch me?” I asked, amused.

“Just to make sure nothing happens to you,” he said. “We can’t leave you alone during your heat. It’s the most crucial time for an omega.”

Turning around, my back facing him, I rubbed the lotion around my arms. Even though I just had Evan’s knot, I was already aching between my legs again for the next knot.

My omega body was intent on getting pregnant.Oh my god. How could I have been so stupid?

The panic around my heat made me completely forget about getting impregnated by this pack.

“Sergio,” I said, turning around with lotion all over my hands.


“We can’t do this anymore,” I said. “I never planned on getting pregnant. What if I get pregnant?!”

“It’s why I bought condoms as well,” he said, pulling out a green box from one of the bags. “Hopefully, you didn’t get pregnant so quickly, but an omega’s heat is unpredictable, and this was an emergency situation.”

“But what if I get pregnant?”

Panic streamed through me at the thought. I wasn’t ready to raise a child alone. I wasn’t successful like my cousin Lacy, and I didn’t have a stable job.

“I’ll take care of you, I promise,” said Sergio, licking his lips. “Even if you decide you don’t want me as your alpha, I will make sure to take care of you. Now don’t you worry, alright, my love?”

“Fine, I won’t worry about it,” I said, continuing to slather on lotion on my legs. But in my heart, I was definitely worrying.What would my family think of me? What would I do with a tiny baby?

As I bent down, lost in thought, I heard Sergio’s heavy breathing behind me.

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