Page 97 of Vengeful Proposal

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“Because they didn’t care about her,” I answer, not wanting to mention Mom asking about Olivia’s life insurance. “Because she was always a failure in their minds.”

Junkie. Junkie. Junkie.

“But the moment I stepped inside of her apartment …” I hang my head lower as I speak. “I felt in my heart that Olivia didn’t commit suicide. And when that man tried to kill me, I knew that she had to have been murdered. And now … after everything you’ve told me. I’m surer than ever that my sister’s death and your sister’s kidnapping are connected. I don’t knowhowthey’re connected, but they are. There are too many coincidences for them not to be.”

He tips my chin up so that he’s the only thing I can see. He looks at me with a deep sadness that makes me tremble.

I’ve never seen him look so vulnerable before.

And there’s one more truth left to tell him.

“Do you remember what you said to me on the plane?” I ask softly.

My nose is stinging again, and I know it’ll only be a matter of time before the tears come. But I don’t care anymore.

I need to say it out loud.

“You promised me that when this is all over, I can have whatever I want.” I place my hand on his chest and feel the steady drumming of his heart speeding up. “And what I want more than anything in the world is to have my sister back. But I know that’s impossible. So I want the next best thing.”

I blink, and the world turns hazy with tears that start running down my cheeks. Konstantin reaches up gently and wipes them away, but each one he wipes away is followed by another.

“If I can’t have her back.” I sniffle. “Then I want toavengeher death.”

“Emily …”

“I know.” I turn away from him. “I agreed to this marriage because I wanted to use you the same way you’re using me. But somewhere along the way, I did something stupid.” Keeping my hand against my chest, I lean toward him. “I started to believe that you actuallywantedme here with you.”

“Emily.” The corners of his nose wrinkle, and he bends forward to take my hand in his, pouring his warmth into me as he speaks in a gruff baritone. “Idowant you here with me.”

I gasp at his words. Not because it shocks me, but because I know there’s no lie there. Because I know he’s serious about what he just said.

I smooth my tongue over my bottom lip as tears well up in my eyes.

“That’s why I’m making you a new deal,” he continues.

“Which is?”

“Stay here with me,” he says. “Be my wife. Myrealwife. Help me take control of this bratva. Help me get my sister back, and Iwillavenge your sister’s death.”

The moonlight is glowing through the windows of the stable now, casting light along his strong jaw. In the moonlight, he looks like a fierce angel of vengeance.

He told me that he was a monster.

But he’s much more than that.


Slowly, I nod my head as my heart starts beating faster than it ever has in my whole life.

“Do you promise?” I ask.

“I do.”

Then he wraps his fingers deep in my hair and kisses me.



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