Page 65 of Vengeful Proposal

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“My orders.” I slam him into the doorframe again, and press my forearm against his throat, cutting off the flow of oxygen. “Were tobringher here! Not hurt her,mudak!”

Sasha tries to plead for mercy, but his face is rapidly turning red, then purple, and then blue. Anger rolls off me in waves, and I push my arm further into his neck, crushing his windpipe underneath.

Soft and gentle fingers touch my bicep, and I turn to see a pair of dazzling sapphire-blue eyes drilling into mine.

“Stop it!” Emily hisses. “He was just doing his job!”

With a roar, I release Sasha, and he slumps down the doorframe, gasping for air as his face starts returning to its usual color.

“Apologize,” I say. “Eto moi prikaz!”

“I’m sorry, Konstantin Yurevich.”

“Not to me,mudak!” I snap. “Toher!”

“I’m sorry, Emily …” Sasha immediately turns to her, but pauses when he realizes he doesn’t know her patronymic.

I turn to Emily. “He needs to know your father’s name to make a proper apology, my love.”

My love?

The word had slipped out so easily, so instinctively. Judging by the way Emily’s eyes widened, I know that she heard my slip-up.

“Sam,” she says. “His name is Sam.”

“I’m sorry, Emily Samovna,” Sasha says.

“She saved your life, Sasha,” I hiss. “You should kiss her feet for that mercy.”

“That won’t be necessary!” Emily interjects. “Please, stand up, Sasha. You were just doing your job. My fiancé can be just a tad overprotective. Can’t you?” She pauses for a moment. “My love.”

Those two words shouldn’t hit me as hard as they do. Yet hearing them from her lips is like touching a lightning rod.

Sasha looks over at me and then back at Emily, unsure of what he should do.

“Do as she commands,” I say. “And then get the fuck out.”

Sasha scrambles to his feet, bows to both of us, and heads out, making sure to close the door behind him.

As soon as the door closes, Emily squares off with me. “You shouldn’t have done that!”

“He hurt you.” I point to her arm.

“That doesn’t give you the right to hurt him!”

My eyes narrow in response to her stubborn belief in what’s right and what’s wrong. There’s no fear in her eyes as she glares at me.She probably thinks I’m a monster.

She won’t be wrong for thinking that. I’vekilledmen for far less grievous offenses.

But even without knowing Sasha, Emily was so willing to forgive him, and willing to stand up for him to keep him safe fromme. It tells me everything I suspected about who she is.

Someone good.

Someone far too good for a monster like me.

Buric clears his throat, drawing our attention back.

I nod at him. “Dobriy den.”

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