Page 77 of Scarred King

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But whatever Rolan was going to do is lost in the deafening sound of a gunshot.


Rolan drops instantly, painting my carpet with his brains.

“I did warn him.” I holster my gun with a sigh, turning to Feliks. “At least you won’t be interrupted anymore.”

Feliks is staring down at his father’s body. “You… you killed him.”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

He inhales.


Then: “No. Not at all.”

“Good. Now, you were saying…?”

“My father thinks…Thought…”Feliks swallows. “He thought that Calcagno was just bluffing. Trying to scare him. He was sure that Natascha would be protected by virtue of the fact that she was your wife. I told him more than once that he needed to inform you of the threat. Everyone knew that you and Natascha lived separately, that she was vulnerable. But he was more interested in focusing on Pobeda and the launch. He didn’t think the threat against Natascha was worth losing sleep over.”

“Fool,” I grimace. “This could’ve been prevented.”

“The Calcagnos have had it out for you since Pobeda was first announced.” Feliks’ voice is even, but his eyes dart to his father’s body every few seconds. “They want to stop the launch. They think it’ll give you too much power.”

“Ah. So that’s why they approached you. They’re trying to break down my alliances.” I pluck a tissue from my desk and dab away a fleck of blood from the back of my knuckles. “You’ve surprised me today, Feliks. Still waters do run deep. I didn’t think I’d ever see you stand up to your father.”

“He was never a father to me.” The venom in his voice surprises me yet again.

“Well, now, you have a chance to be the man in charge,” I say. “You’re officially the head of the Kiselevs, with my blessing.”

His shoulders square with purpose. “I… I suppose I am.”

“The alliance between the Kiselevs and the Adamov Bratva doesn’t have to end with Rolan. Just as long as you can be loyal.”

“I can do that.”

I smile, extending a hand out. “Then I look forward to our next meeting, Feliks.”

His handshake is confident, firm. With a bow, he backs out of the room.

Gedeon waits until Feliks’s footsteps have faded away before he turns to me. “Well, fuck me. Only you can dole out murder and get loyalty in return.”

Smirking, I walk around Rolan’s body. “Once you’ve handled the body, meet me out front. We’re going out on the town tonight.”

“Anywhere specific?”

“La Passione.”

It’s Alessandro Calcagno’s most successful downtown club. I figure we’re long past due to pay him a visit.

His face breaks into a hungry smile. “Excellent.”



“What do you mean, you’re going to La Passione now?” Dominik’s voice booms through the Escalade’s speakers. “Alessandro is there tonight!”

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