Page 72 of Scarred King

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“Dom is bringing up a package for me.”

Arsen sighs, and, when I peer down around the banister, he looks exhausted. More tired than I’ve ever seen him. A small part of me wonders if I shouldn’t call this whole thing off.

“You didn’t tell me you were going to order anything.”

And just like that, that small part of me sheds its empathy and starts chanting with the rest:Do it! Make him pay!

“There’s plenty you don’t tell me.” I mount the rest of the stairs, but as I turn the corner, I see Arsen following after me.

I resist the urge to rub my hands together and cackle. I’ve got him exactly where I want him.

Dominik, however, is nowhere near where I want him. As soon as I walk through the door, I shriek. “What in the hell are you doing?”

He is kneeling down next to the trunk, slowly removing the wrappings keeping it closed. “You can’t bring a giant trunk into this house without security looking it over.” He huffs out a breath like I’m the dumbest woman alive.

Given what’s happening right now, he might not be wrong.

“Dom,” I breathe, “you do not want to open that. Believe me when I tell you, you do not want to see?—”

But it’s too late. Dom pops the lid of the trunk and literally falls back on his ass like there are live crocodiles inside. “What in the actual fuck, Laila?”

“It’s private! You weren’t supposed to see anything!”

I run across the room—or, walk briskly, since running is out of the question at this point in the pregnancy—and try to slam the lid closed.

But Dominik, stubborn ass that he is, holds it open. “What is going on? Are you hiding something under this… under all of…those?”

He scans the contents of the trunk like he might have X-ray vision. Which he doesn’t. If he did, he’d know this package is exactly what it looks like. The only Trojan Horse here is a foot long and comes with a built-in vibrator.

“What are you doing with a trunk full of sex toys?” Dominik looks like he wants to melt into the floor. That makes two of us. “Or is it actually a bomb?” He takes a deep breath before he thrusts one hand into the trunk and stirs the contents like he’s making the world’s most awkward soup.

“Get out of there!” I grab his elbow and pull, but it’s like the sword in the stone.Only the one who can retrieve Dominik’s arm from the trunk can save him from death by embarrassment.“Arsen is in the hallway. He’ll be here in?—”

“Arsen is coming?!” Finally, Dominik rips his arm back.

The problem is, I’m still holding onto his wrist, and his hand is clamped around an obsidian black dildo with silver veining details. It was from some special edition, monster romance line. Great reviews. Great price.

The rest happens in slow motion.

Dominik and I turn towards the door together.

Arsen steps into the threshold.

His tired green eyes take in the whole sordid scene.

“A-Arsen! I just carried up—” Dominik points at me with the hand still holding the dildo.

The silicone penis flops accusingly in my direction.

He turns deathly pale. “All I did was carry up the trunk. I thought it might be a bomb.”

The look on Arsen’s face could scare the thunder from the skies. “Dominik,” he spits. “Out.”

Dominik instantly drops the dildo on the floor and flees for the door. “Nothing could make me happier.” He lunges into the hallway like the walls are closing in around him.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t take me with him.

Nothing about this has gone right. The plan was for Arsen to find me examining my purchases. I’d say something coy about how I’m in need of some company for my lonely nights on the couch, and Arsen would get pissed that I spent his money on a box of sex toys.

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