Page 35 of Scarred King

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Dominik scoffs. “It’s one damn meeting. It won’t hurt to hear what the man has to say.”

“Pobeda’s launch has been on hold for almost a year now. Don’t you think the timing is a little suspicious?”

Even if it is, Dominik is right: it’s a tempting offer. Peace could be nice now that I’ll be bringing new life into the world soon.

“The Italians haven’t made any obvious moves?—”

“Maybe because they’ve got a bigger move up their sleeves,” Gedeon interrupts. “One that involves Laila.”

My stomach drops. “What does Laila have to do with any of this?”

Dominik shoots Gedeon a warning glare. Ged glares right back, their scowls deepening in sync as the seconds tick by.

“One of you better start talking,” I growl when the silence stretches on too long.

Gedeon is the first to cave. “There are rumors circulating about your heir.”

“Exactly—rumors!” Dominik says. “Bullshit fuckin’rumors, G. We can’t make decisions based on every piece of shit the rumor mill churns out.”

I hold up my hand and both men fall silent. “Has Laila’s name been mentioned?”

“No,” Gedeon assures me, and I finally take a full breath. “But there’s talk about who the mother of your child is—whether it’s Natascha, a surrogate, or you’ve taken a mistress.”

I walk over to the window and stare out at the skyline. Somewhere over the bridge and the labyrinth of buildings, Laila is nestled in a cocoon of my own making.

Has it really been eight whole months since I set eyes on her?I can hardly believe it. It’s been the fastest, slowest eight months of my life.

“Natascha’s name has also come up. The fact that she’s your wife makes her vulnerable.” At my indifferent shrug, Gedeon continues, “Which means, if Laila’s name gets out, she’ll be a target, too.”

“Increase security around the house immediately.”

“Already done,” Dominik says. “I may not believe the rumors Gedeon does, but Laila is a good person. She deserves to be protected.”

He and Laila have gotten close over the last eight months. It’s why I can’t talk to Dominik about her anymore. He knows things about her that I wish I did—and he never lets me forget it.

“What about Natascha?” Gedeon asks. “Shouldn’t we up her security?”

“Natascha isn’t going to be my problem for very much longer.” I walk around my desk and pull out the first-class plane tickets I purchased for her and her staff last week.

“She agreed?” Gedeon gasps, his eyes bulging.

Dominik whistles softly. “Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead. Finally.”

“Not dead. Just out of the country. Laila’s due next month,” I say. “I want Natascha as far away as possible before my daughter is born.”

Gedeon keeps ogling the tickets. “I can’t believe I missed that tantrum. How’d you get her to agree to it?”

I gather up the tickets and head for the door to finally have the conversation I’ve been pushing off. “I’ll let you know when I figure it out.”

“Can we come?” Dominik pleads. “Pretty, pretty ple?—”

I close the door in their faces. Some things are meant to be savored alone.

Natascha’s smug smile wilts as she studies the tickets. “These are one-way.”

“Once you leave, you won’t be coming back,” I inform her. “From now on, Paris is your home.”

Her jaw falls open. “My entire life is here.”

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