Page 29 of Scarred King

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“You’re my chauffeur, not my therapist,” I interrupt. “Or is Arsen paying you for that, too, now?”

Dominik shrugs. “I can try to be. If that’s what you need.”

I drop my face in my hands. “Your wife must hate me.”

“Why on earth would Kira hate you?”

“Because you spend more time with me these days than you spend with her.”

“Yes, but she gets it. You’re the job.” Immediately, Dominik winces. “Shit, sorry. That came out wrong.”

I wave him off. “Don’t be sorry. It’s the truth.”

Dominik leans forward, his arm resting on the top of the door frame. “I’m lucky, really. Not all the jobs I’m assigned to are this fun.”

“Don’t lie on my account,” I warn him with a scowl.

“I know this probably sounds like a line, but I’m serious, Laila. It’s been nice spending time with you these last few months. I’d like to think we’re friends.”

“It’s a pretty lopsided friendship. You know everything about me, but I don’t know anything about you.”

“You know my wife.”

“I know youhavea wife. I know her name is Kira. That’s about the extent of it.”

“You wanna know something personal?” He bites his bottom lip to hide a smile. “Kira’s pregnant.”

“No way! Congratulations, Dom!”

He runs a hand through his hair, grinning now. “Yeah. It was unexpected. I mean, we both want kids; we just didn’t plan on trying for another couple of years. But life comes at you fast sometimes.”

Don’t I fucking know it?

“So,” Dom urges, “you ready to turn that frown upside down and head inside?”

“My feet hurt.”

His eyes narrow. “Why are you stalling?”

“Because if I go in there, Mom is going to ask about the gender. Then she’s going to ask me—again—if I’m sure about wanting to give this baby up for adoption. And I’m going to have to explain—again—why I’m doing what I’m doing.”

It’s all lies. Top to bottom lies.

Dominik’s mouth softens at the corners. “I like your mother. She’s a good woman.”

“She’s the best.” My chest hitches uncomfortably. “Which is why I did what I did. Her life is better now. We have a nurse and healthcare. She’s happier.”

“But you aren’t.”

I don’t miss that it isn’t a question. Dominik may want to be my friend, but he’s still Arsen’s employee. And I don’t need him reporting this back to his boss.

“You’re right: I’m stalling.” I push open the door and duck out. “Time to be a big girl and head in there.”


“Thanks for driving me, Dom. And pass my congratulations on to Kira.” Before I walk inside, I whip around, eyebrow arched. “If he asks, I’m fine. I’m handling things like a pro. I am the picture of emotional and psychological stability. Got it?”

He sighs and gives me a half-hearted salute. “Got it.”

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