Page 28 of Scarred King

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“He cares.”

“Is not making it to a single doctor’s appointment how he expresses his concern?”

“He’s a busy man.”

I roll my eyes. “Defending him to the death must be in your job description.”

“As a matter of fact, it is. But I would do it anyway.”

I let my hair form a curtain between Dominik and me. Sometimes, I get the feeling that he watches me. Not in anI’m-concerned-about-youkind of way. More like anI-have-to-report-backkind of way.

I loathe that.

If Arsen won’t come see me himself, he doesn’t deserve to know what’s going on inside my head.

“Wanna stop for ice cream somewhere?” Dominik asks. “Are you still craving that?”

I shove down another stupid pang that it should be Arsen who knows my cravings, Arsen driving me home after an appointment.

“Mom will be back from chemo soon. I wanna be there when she gets home.”

“Evelyn will be with her.”

“So?” I snap. “Just because she has a full-time nurse now, I can stop giving a damn?”

Dominik leans back with raised eyebrows. “That’s not what I meant.”

I bite my tongue. “Sorry. I’m just a little…”

I leave it there. The truth is, I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. The last four months have been a roller coaster. Every time I think I’ve got my head wrapped around the situation, something flies out of left field and smacks me between the eyes.

It started with Arsen dropping his little “I don’t need to see you again now that you’re knocked up” bomb.

Like all I was good for was sex.

Which is what I agreed to, yes. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.

Then Dominik showed up on my doorstep the next day.Consider me your personal chauffeur for the next nine months.

And, the biggest curveball of all: the gorgeous three-bedroom house that still steals my breath every time Dominik pulls into the driveway.

It’s a mindfuck, really.

He gave me a house—Arsen cares.

He hasn’t shown his face in months—Arsen doesn’t care.

Back and forth, again and again. I don’t know what to believe. Now that I’m a human incubator, I barely even know who I am.

“Laila?” The car has stopped, and Dominik is standing outside the car, my door open. But I can’t make myself move.

“Just give me a minute.”

“Looks like your mom and Evelyn are home.” He gestures to the open front window. Mom likes the fresh air. Our windows in the apartment got the landlord special and were nailed shut.

I want to be inside with my mom. Scratch that—I want towant tobe inside with my mom, but it’s hard to be around anyone these days. The only person who understands exactly what is going on doesn’t want to acknowledge I exist.

“If you need to talk?—”

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