Page 176 of Scarred King

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Dominik leans back with a wince, reminding me why I can’t hurl him across the room. “What are your plans for the Italians?”

“The fewer people who know, the better.”

“You think I’d leak anything? I’m your closestvor. Your right-hand man.”

“This has nothing to do with not trusting you?—”

“Then tell me the plan!” he explodes. “I’m healing. I can be of use.”

“I’m not questioning your abilities.”


“Your wife is days away from having your baby,” I bark. “She suffered enough while you were in the hospital. I’m not going to add any more stress right now.”

“If I didn’t know my wife any better, I’d think maybe you have a heart, after all.” Dominik sighs and his chin droops to his chest. “But I know the truth. She scared the shit out of you.”

For the first time in weeks, I almost smile. “I believe our last conversation ended with her calling me an ‘arrogant asshole’ and flipping me off.”

“She’s a strong woman.” He not-so-casually cleans his nails before adding, “Not unlike your wife.”

I drop my gaze and pretend again to sift through the files on my desk. “Which is why I know Laila is fine.”

“How would you know? You haven’t spoken to her since she left.”

“Oh? Apparently, I’m not the only one Gedeon’s sending updates to.”

“Gedeon’s not the one giving me updates. Laila is.”

“So she hasn’t forgotten how to use her phone,” I respond coldly. “Good to know.”

After I visit Marie every day, I send Laila an update. Nothing extensive. Just enough to let her know her mother is fine. Laila never responds, but I can hear her furious thoughts in every unanswered message. It doesn’t take a genius to imagine all the things she isn’t saying.

“Nina can hold her head up on her own now,” Dom informs me, lobbing the emotional grenade with precision. “Did you know that?”

I clench my teeth until they groan in protest. “I know they’re safe. That’s all I need to know.”

“Arsen,” he breathes, “bring her back. Laila belongs here.”

“She belongs where I say she belongs,” I snap. “If you’ll excuse me, I have business to attend to.”

Dominik follows me outside and all the way to my car. “Where are you going?”

“I’m heading over to Hotel Calcagno. There’s a fireworks display there that I’m just dying to see.”

Dominik stops short. “You’re not really— Jesus, Arsen.”

“I told you it would be worth the wait.”

“That hotel is Alessandro’s pride and joy. It’s newly renovated and—I’m sure you don’t need me to remind you—heavily populated.”

“Casualties are expected in war, Dominik. It’s the price of the game we play.”

He grabs my car door before I can close it. “I’m coming with you.”

“No, you’re not.”

He scowls. “I’m healthy enough to watch a building be torn down. Either I come with you or I follow you. Your choice.”

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