Page 160 of Scarred King

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“Such poor manners,” he chuckles as he assesses us together. “Your grandfather must be rolling in his grave.”

He’s trying to goad me, but I could care less what Alessandro or my grandfather would think about anything.

“Wrong on two counts. I didn’t give him the honor of a grave, and there’s nothing left of him to roll.”

Alessandro arches a thick eyebrow. “I’m very glad I came here tonight. Otherwise, I would have missed the chance to meet your lovely wife. And since your grandfather isn’t around to dispense advice, I’ll leave you with the advice he would have given you if he was alive to give it?—”

“—spare me from?—”

“Pussy is for procreation and fun. Not feelings.” His smile vanishes. “She’s going to get you killed one day, boy.”

I grab the lapels of his stupid velvet suit, reeling him towards me until we’re practically nose to nose.

“Arsen!” Laila grabs my arm. “Not tonight. Please.”

My gaze flickers to my wife, who is silently pleading with me. In her eyes, I see all the plans I had for this evening. I refuse to let Alessandro ruin them.

So instead of beating his sneer into Bolognese the way he deserves, I shove him away from the table. “Get the fuck out of here, Calcagno.”

He straightens his lapels. “This is what I’m talking about. No one would have been able to stop you before—let alone a woman.”

“Will you just shut the fuck up and leave?” Laila barks.

Alessandro whips around to face her, his jaw dropping. “How dare you?—”

“She dares because she’s my wife, Alessandro. She has a mind of her own.”

Alessandro inhales in preparation to spew out what is guaranteed to be more nonsense when a figure appears fromthe right and places a hand on the old man’s arm. “Everyone is watching you, Papa. Let it be.”

Enzo Calcagno pulls his father away. A short, dark-haired woman lingers at his side. It’s been so long since I laid eyes on Enzo’s wife, Guilia, that I hardly recognize her.

Alessandro tries to brush his son off, but Enzo keeps a clamp on his father’s elbow. “This isn’t the place for an out-and-out brawl. I told you not to come over here.”

Enzo’s gaze flickers only momentarily over Laila. He seems far more concerned with his father right now.

“And who are you to command me, boy?”

Enzo grimaces before he turns to Laila. “I apologize for our intrusion. We were just?—”

“Do not apologize for me!” Alessandro says, frothing at the mouth.

“We were just leaving.” Enzo looks directly at his father, his arms tight with tension. “Papa, let’s go. We have an important meeting to attend.”

Alessandro scowls at his son before looking once more in our direction. “I’m sure we’ll run into each other soon, Arsen.” His eyes sweep over Laila. “I look forward to seeing you again, lovely Laila.”

Enzo gives me a pointed look, a cross between apology and frustration. Then he grabs his wife’s hand and drags her off behind Alessandro. Guilia leaves with a backwards glance at Laila, a tight smile painting her face for a moment before they’re all gone.

“Blyat’.” I sweep a hand through my hair. “I need a shower after that shit.”

“So those were the infamous Calcagnos?”

I nod, not taking my eyes off the spot where the family disappeared around the corner. Then I feel Laila’s soft, fluttering touch at my chin.

“Fuck them.” She pulls my face to hers. “Tonight, it’s just you and me.”

“We should leave.”

Her forehead creases. “If we leave, then he’ll think he has power over us. Which he doesn’t.”

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