Page 159 of Scarred King

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“I think it’s perfect. And if I ever start to think you’re showing too much skin, I’m more than happy to pull you into a dark, private corner and outline exactly which parts of you are for my eyes only.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?”

I take her hand and rub my thumb slowly over her knuckles. “Call me selfish, but I want a little alone time with you beforethe Pobeda launch. Once we hit the ground running, I might be busy. I’m taking the opportunity while I have it.”

She bites back a smile. “I wouldn’t say wanting to spend time with me isselfish, per se…”

“Does that mean you’re going to try to enjoy this evening?”

“I’ll try, but only if you let me tell Polina about Bugsy.”

I sigh and signal for her to proceed. She drops my hand and grabs her phone, typing out a hurried message to Polina before I can chuck her phone out the window.

True to her word, once the message is sent, Laila does her best to enjoy the evening.

We’re shown to our table, a spacious alcove set apart from the rest of the restaurant, and before drinks can even arrive, her hand is sliding up my thigh, dangerously close to my crotch.

“Awfully forward of you, Mrs. Adamov.”

She winks at me as she strokes her fingers over the seam of my pants. I was semi-hard in the car, so it isn’t going to take much to push me over the edge. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, bud.”

“I should bring you out more often.”

She palms me under the table, and I’m feeling my way up her thigh and towards the promised land when the waiter approaches. Judging by the look on his face, he’s very aware of the fact that there’s something inappropriate going on under the table.

Laila rips her hand away and sits up tall and proper like the lady I know she isn’t.

His eyes shift from me to Laila and then to something suddenly fascinating on the ceiling as he takes our drink orders.

“I’d like to try the pineapple mocktaaa—” Laila breaks off with a whimper as I circle my finger over her panties. The waiter winces and backs away, instantly earning himself a forty-percent tip for knowing how to read the room. Laila clears her throat and squeezes her legs together, crushing my hand with her yoga-toned thighs. “You know what, I think we actually need another minute to look at the menu.”

The waiter hightails it out of the alcove, almost knocking into another server carrying a tray of flaming desserts.

“Arsen!” Laila swats at my chest when he’s gone. “He saw us!”

I grab the offending hand and drop it back in my lap where it belongs. “You started it.”

Suddenly, she squeezes hard until she literally has me by the balls. Her dark-rimmed eyes promise payback. “And I’ll finish it if you aren’t careful.”

“Is that a threat or a promise?” I tease.

The pressure on my balls releases and then she’s massaging slowly, her lips curling into a seductive smile. “You’re lucky you look so hot in that suit.”

“You’re lucky the waiter left when he did. Because I’m about to?—”

“Well, well, if it isn’t Arsen Adamov?” The nasally voice drains the heat out of the moment. I fold Laila’s hand in mine and turn to one of the last people I care to see right now.

“Alessandro Calcagno,” I growl.

The head of the Calcagno mafia is wearing an obnoxiously gaudy, crushed velvet suit and a smile that doesn’t hide the disdain in his eyes. He aims that disdain at Laila. “You look awfully grumpy for a man sitting next to such a beautiful woman.” He places his hand on the back of Laila’s chair and leans in too close for comfort. “I’d kiss your hand, my dear, but I just saw where it’s been.”

A blush crawls up her chest and neck, but Laila maintains her composure as she turns to me. “Aren’t you going to introduce us, Arsen?”

“Wasn’t planning on it,” I grit. “In fact, I wonder why you came over here at all, Alessandro.”

The snake turns to Laila. “I’m Alessandro Calcagno. Arsen and I have a bit of a friendly rivalry. It’s all in good fun, of course.”

His gaze lingers on her cleavage, and I find myself rising from my seat. “That’s a matter of opinion. Go back to your table, Alessandro.”

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