Page 106 of Scarred King

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“The security system was fine,” Gedeon grumbles, slouching back into the room. “You were just trying to get rid of me, weren’t you?”

“Join the club.” I don’t miss the wink that Dominik sends Gedeon’s way. “You might have to cough up soon, buddy. I’m so winning this one.”

“Excuse me?”

Gedeon gives Dominik an annoyed glare. “And you say I’m the one who can’t keep my damn mouth shut. This was on the down low.”

Dominik ignores him and explains. “We have a little bet going that you’ll cave at the end of this little experiment and keep Laila around permanently.”

Gedeon actually takes a step back as my glare ping-pongs between the two morons in front of me. “You bet against me?” I growl.

“Actually, I’m betting for you,” Dominik clarifies. “I’m betting on you and Laila making it. If you think about it, Gedeon is the one who’s betting against the two of you.”

Thereisno “me and Laila.” Once the Italian threat is neutralized, Laila and I will divorce. We’ll co-parent, and she’ll… remain single for the rest of her life, content to raise our daughter without ever needing another man.

I consider explaining that to my idiot friends, but they aren’t worth the time. Plus, explaining myself will only drive home their misguided belief that I care about Laila more than I pretend to.

So I spin around and march out to the patio.

Behind me, Gedeon smacks Dominik on the back of the head. “Thanks a lot, asshole.”

I head out towards the pool, squinting against the sunlight to search for my wife. When I find her, my jaw hits the pavement.

Laila has ditched the yellow dress she was wearing in favor of a deep green, knit bikini, and I can’t move. All of my brain power is spent taking in every exposed inch of her skin—perfect, perky breasts just barely covered by the half-cups of her bikini top, long, slim legs that seem to go on for days. Her long blonde hair drapes down her back in careless waves.

But I keep coming back to the swell of her stomach where she’s carryingmychild.

My cock strains against my pants, but since there’s no chance of a release anytime soon, I walk over to the two women. They’re too engrossed in conversation to see me coming.

“You haven’t had one yet?” Kira gasps, pulling her dark hair into a high ponytail. “Well, we have to change that!”

Laila shakes her head. “No, no, seriously. That’s kind of you, but I don’t need a baby shower.”

“But you have to have one! It's a rite of passage for any new mother.”

But Laila isn’t any new mother.

This isn’t any regular pregnancy.

The look on Laila’s face tells me she’s thinking the exact same thing.

She drops into one of the pool chairs and reaches for the sunscreen. “I’m okay, really. It’s completely unnecessary.”


“I think Dominik is looking for you, Kira,” I interject.

Both women look over, surprised to see me. But my gaze is locked on Laila as she spreads sunscreen over her arms.

“He is?” Kira glances over to where Dominik is standing by the doors, talking to Gedeon. “That man is so damn needy. I’ll be back in a jiff, Lai.”

Laila waves her off, her smile dropping the second Kira is gone. Her eyes are unfocused and far away when I pluck the sunscreen from her hands.

“Hey, I was using that!”

I squirt some sunscreen into my palm. “Turn around.”

“I can take care of myself.”

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