Page 103 of Scarred King

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His eyes skid to Arsen. “I could… for a few minutes… but only if I’m not interrupting.”

“Actually—” Arsen starts.

I kick him under the table. “You’re not!”

Arsen’s eyes darken, but he signals to a waiter. Within seconds, a chair appears for Kevin. When I take my seat, Arsen drags it closer to his.

“So, Arsen,” I say, trying to build space between our bodies. I can feel heat radiating off of him, and it’s not the good kind. “This is Kevin O’Neal. We lived on the same street as kids. Kevin, this is Arsen Adamov.”

I stop the introduction there, but Arsen extends his hand to Kevin with a smile I have every reason not to trust and tacks on, “Laila’s husband.”

Kevin gapes. “Wow, I didn’t know you got married. When?”

“Recently,” I admit, blushing scarlet. “Very recent. It happened fast.”

“Whirlwind romance, huh?” Kevin asks, obviously not picking up on the tension in the air.

“It was definitely a whirlwind.” Arsen drapes a hand over my shoulders until my body is flush against his.

“Well, double congratulations are in order then! I’m so happy for you, Lai. If anyone deserves a happy ending, it’s you.”

“Thanks, Kev. I appreciate that.”

He whistles low and reclines back in his seat. “I just can’t get over it. It’s been… gee, how many years since we last saw each other?”

“Seven?” I guess. “Maybe eight?”

Kevin’s gaze turns to Arsen, trying to include him because he is just that kind of guy. “I went off to college, did some traveling, and, by the time I came back home, Laila and Marie had left the neighborhood.” He turns back to me. “HowisMarie? She was always such a doll.”

My smile falters, but I do my best to pick it up again. “She was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago.”

Kevin’s face scrunches. “Fuck. Laila, I’m so sorry.”

I swallow the ever-present sob in my throat. Arsen’s hand tightens around my shoulders. His fingers brush the side of my arm—up and down, up and down—in a steady rhythm that soothes the tightness in my chest.

“Yeah. It’s been a hard year.”

“I can only imagine. Mom and Dad still live on Peachtree. They always meant to get in touch. It’s weird passing that house and knowing you guys don’t live there anymore.”

“Well, Mom still owns it. We started renting it out a few years ago.”

“I heard that.” Kevin nods, his jaw tightening. “Have you heard from Charles recently?” He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, his gaze slipping from me to Arsen. “I only bring him up because… well, I’ve heard some things about him since moving back to the neighborhood.”

Arsen’s breath tickles the back of my ear, but I keep my concentration on Kevin. “What have you heard?”

“That he’s sniffing around that house, for starters.”

I snort. “I’m aware. He thinks he can convince Mom to leave the house to him in her will, but I’m not letting him near it.”

“After the way the bastard left you and Marie? After everything he put her through with the divorce?” Kevin clicks his tongue angrily. “What an asshole.”

“You don’t have to worry, Kevin,” Arsen interjects. “Charles isn’t getting anywhere close to Marie, Laila, or that house. I’m taking care of it.”

Kevin’s gaze sweeps over Arsen. “No one I know has anything good to say about Charles, so it’s nice to know she’s in safe hands.”

Arsen drops a kiss on my cheek. “That she is.”

There’s a flutter in my chest that I can’t quite still. Arsen offers Kevin a sleek black business card. “If you hear anything about him—anything at all—don’t hesitate to contact me.”

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