Page 123 of Scarred Queen

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He’s playing it off well, but I know Dom is on edge. We all are.

Jasper’s defection and recent attacks have spooked everyone. It’s one thing to face a known enemy, but when you’ve counted someone a brother and they turn on you, it’s a much harder pill to swallow. That and the increase in security has everyone on their toes.

Enzo slumps back into the room with a sigh. “Sorry about that. Guilia is out of town dealing with a family matter, and she doesn’t approve of the extra security I sent along with her.”

“I sensed she may have been upset,” I drawl.

“Turns out, she can yell at me over the phone almost as well as she can in person. At least I don’t have to worry about any vases being thrown at my head.” Enzo laughs sadly. “How is Laila taking her house arrest?”

“She isn’t throwing porcelain vases yet.”

“Lucky you,” Enzo mumbles.

“But I have agreed to loosen the reins a little,” I admit grudgingly. “Though I take it you didn’t invite me over to swap stories about our wives.”

The Italian shakes his head. “I have some new information that dropped into my lap only today. I think you should hear it, too.”

I stiffen. “Information you couldn’t pass along over the phone?

“This is Calcagno business, Arsen. Allies or not, my father’s probably rolling in his grave knowing that I’m even showing it to you. He’d rise from the dead if I texted you a picture.”

“Better to let the dead lie,” I concede. “You made the right call.”

Nodding, he pulls out a manila folder, spreading it open on the coffee table in front of us. “These are the Calcagno debt ledgers.”

I raise my eyebrows. “Your father might rise from the dead, anyway. You’re really letting me look at these?”

“Only because there are two debtors in there that might be of particular interest to you.”

I pick up the folder and leaf through it. Enzo has taken the liberty of marking several entries in green highlighter.

But even without the highlighting, one name would have jumped out at me.

“Jasper,” I whisper, before raising my gaze to meet Enzo’s eyes. “How old is his debt?”

“Years. I believe it predates his stint in prison.”

“No fucking way,” I murmur, turning the page over. “Blyat’… there’s a hundred percent interest on this loan.”

Enzo purses his lips. “My father wasn’t exactly known for his charitable spirit. He liked to find desperate men and wring them for all they were worth. As it turned out, they weren’t worth much.”

“He owed your father a lot.”

“He owesmea lot,” Enzo corrects me. “The debt still stands. Especially after he reopened his tab a few months ago.”

“Fucking idiot.” I turn the page and find another familiar name. I curse under my breath. “And another idiot makes two.”

“Like I said, I thought you should know.”

“Charles Barnes,” I read. “Quarter of a million dollars?”

“His debt is a lot younger than Jasper’s. It also means his rate of interest, on some portion of these loans at least, is higher.”

There are two entries made only a few months ago, one for Jasper and another for Charles. The same date has been logged under both their names. I run a hand down my face as the possibilities click into place. “Charles and Jasper could be working together.”

I’m just thinking out loud, but the idea isn’t completely unfounded. Both men have a connection to me and the Italians. Both men are greedy, desperate.

Alliances have been built on far, far less.

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