Page 103 of Scarred Queen

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I turn around, but I can’t see anything through the sea of people. I’m not sure how Arsen can, either. “What about him?”

“He’s been antsy since we got here.”

“You said it’s a big night. Maybe he’s just nervous?”

“I don’t pay him to look nervous. Anxiety isn’t the aura my personal security should exude.”

“Luckily, we’re amongst allies.” I pat his arm, trying to reassure him. “The opening is going really well. Everyone seems supportive of the alliance. Let’s just enjoy ourselves, okay?”

He kisses my cheek, which is all the answer I get before Enzo calls us over to his table in the center of the restaurant. Guilia makes room for me beside her, tucking her arm through mine the moment I sit down.

“It’s going well, don’t you think?” she asks brightly.

“The night is a triumph, Enzo,” Arsen says as the two men clasp hands. “My congratulations.”

“It wouldn’t have been half so successful had it not been for your presence,” Enzo offers generously.

Arsen chuckles. “I think that’s the alcohol talking.”

“To be fair, it’s good alcohol,” Enzo winks, raising a glass of Adamov whiskey in a small toast.

Guilia rolls her eyes. “Can we get you two a room?”

Enzo laughs, but Arsen isn’t smiling. In fact, he seems to have missed Guilia’s little jab altogether. He’s staring off towards the entrance again—but this time, I see exactly what he’s homed in on.

It’s Jasper again.

And he’s beelining right for us.

Guilia’s hand tightens around my arm as Arsen gets to his feet to meet Jasper. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

“I need to talk to you,” Jasper rasps. His hands twitch at his sides. “It’s important.”

There’s something haunted in his gaze as his eyes dart around the room. It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

“This isn’t a good time, Jas.”

Jasper grabs Arsen’s arm, which makes even me flinch at the sheer audacity. “It can’t wait.”

Enzo steps in, looking as clueless as I feel. “Is everything alright, my friends?”

“This doesn’t concern you!” Jasper barks.

“It’s my restaurant,” Enzo reminds him coolly.

Arsen snatches Jasper’s hand from his arm and reverses the hold, gripping him by the wrist as he speaks to Enzo. “I apologize for my colleague, Enzo. Let me deal with this quietly.”

For the first time all night, Arsen leaves my side as he marches Jasper out of the restaurant. Enzo stares after them, his cheeks scarlet.

“What was that about?” Guilia whispers to me.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” I mutter, trying to spy where they’ve gone, but both Arsen and Jasper have disappeared into the crowd. “Do you think it’s serious? Should I go with him?”

“Don’t worry,” Guilia demurs. “Your man will handle it. He’ll come back in no time.”

Except he doesn’t.

I spend a full half-hour drinking and chatting with Guilia before I can’t pretend everything is fine anymore.

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