Page 11 of Unholy Obsessions

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I fight the urge to roll my eyes. It’s disgusting how men just cripple at the sight of a woman who needs help. If he knew what was good for him, he wouldn’t trust me just because I have a pussy in between my legs instead of a dick.

“No.” I shake my head, taking a cautious step toward him. “There’s someone else here. He did it.” I let out a ragged breath. The guy is thoroughly confused and takes a panicked step backwards as I move closer to him. My tears soak my cheeks through my mask and my body shakes as I sob. “Please help me.”

I can feel Onyx’s cum dripping down the side of my leg. It warms my soul, knowing that even though he isn’t with me right now, I’m walking around with a constant fucking reminder of him. I wish he was watching this right now, seeing how well I’m playing the game.

“Why are you wearing a mask?” His voice is an octave higher with fright as he glances around the room again. There’s no one here but us. I swear that I can hear his heart pounding in his chest. I can smell his blood as it rushes through his veins and I’m ready to paint the room red.

“He made me put it on,” I whisper again as I wipe the tears from my face. I bite my bottom lip, trying to keep my expression as emotional as possible. “Please. You’ve got to help me get out of here before he finds me.”

He doesn’t move, standing firmly in place as I walk up to him. His eyes desperately search mine before sweeping over my body. “Did he hurt you? I heard noises throughout the asylum but thought it was just kids in here fucking around.”

I sniffle, nodding. “I got away from him, but I know that he’s looking for me. And I’m afraid of what he’s going to do when he finds me.” For good measure, I glance behind me like I’m expecting to find Onyx standing there waiting for me.

“I forgot my phone in the car. We’ll get out of here and I’ll call the police so they can catch the monster who did this to you and my friend.”

“What’s your name?” I ask him, watching as he turns around to figure out which door to exit through.

He walks between both doors, his back still to me as he offers his name. “Ian.”

As I inch closer to him, I bend down, picking up a broken piece of concrete. Ian moves into one of the doorways, peering out into the hall. He isn’t paying any attention to me as I come up behind him.

“Sorry, Ian,” I whisper, lifting the piece of concrete with my hands as I thrust it into the back of his skull. The blow catches him off guard, making him unsteady on his feet as he trips and falls.

He lands on his hands and knees, rocking back onto the balls of his feet as he lifts his hand to the back of his head. Blood stains his palm red as he pulls it away and glances up at me. “What the hell?”

I smile, cocking my head to the side as I shrug. “No one catches my monster but me.”

Confusion forms on Ian’s face as his mouth opens, but I silence him as I bring the broken concrete down onto the top of his head. The force of the blow instantly knocks him unconscious. His body falls rigid as he slumps onto the floor.

I toss the concrete away and wipe the dust from my hands on my skirt. Moving past Ian, I step out into the hallway and shove my fingers into my mouth, whistling loudly. “You want to play, baby?”

“Where are you?” Onyx calls out in the distance. I don’t miss the urgency in his tone, and I let the sound vibrate through my body. As badly as I want this for myself, I know that Onyx needsit as much as I do. We’ve been building up to this moment and now we’re here.

Even though I want him here to enjoy this with me, it doesn’t mean that I can’t turn it into another game. Something far more ominous than we’ve ever played before.

My lips curl upward into a sinister grin. “Come and find me.”



As I walk into the room, my eyes scan the space, taking in the scene as it unfolds in front of me. Selene stands off to the side, her hands on her hips as she stares down at the guy lying on the floor. Where he fell isn’t far from the dead body that I still need to discard.

This man’s face is still intact, with just a small pool of blood forming on the floor underneath the back of his head. Selene lifts her head, her hazel eyes shining at me through her black mask as her wild gaze meets mine.

“Hey, you,” she says, beaming as she flashes her bright white teeth at me. She takes a step toward me, her hips swaying as she saunters across the room. “I was going to move him, but I don’t know if I can lift him.”

I look down at the guy, watching his chest rise and fall with each shallow breath that he takes in his unconscious state. You can see through his shirt that he’s muscular. Selene is small and petite. There’s no way she’s going to move this guy anywhere without me.

My black heart swells in my chest, pressing against my rib cage at the thought. There aren’t many things that Selene truly needs me for in life. As dependent as we are on one another,she’s independent as hell. She knows how to handle her own and take care of herself. She doesn’t need me to do her dirty work. I’m sure that if I weren’t here right now, she would figure out something to do with this guy or how to move him.

But fortunately, I’m here. And she needs me.

“Where did you want to go with him?”

Selene looks back up at me and shrugs. “I thought about moving him over there by his friend, but I don’t know. I kind of want him to wake up, but I don’t want him to be able to get away.”

My eyes travel across the room, stopping as they reach a table that’s broken in half by the wall. It’s propped against the floor, almost in an angular fashion. There’s no way to render him completely immobile, but it would suffice.

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