Page 28 of Inertia

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“Can you guys fucking stop?” Killian is the one to interject now. “Go work out your bullshit from the past, away from everyone else. Or go fuck already, Jesus Christ.”

The room falls silent as an awkwardness settles, mixing with the sexual tension. Shit just got weird real quick and I can see that Killian is mentally kicking himself for saying that out loud. Court and Linc’s past is touchy. God only knows how the hell this night is going to go.

“Okay, so I’m gonna start mixing some speedballs.” Amethyst brushes off the awkwardness, wrapping her arm around Lincoln’s shoulders, pulling him flush against her side. “Who all wants one?”

“You know I do, pretty girl.” Linc drops his hand to her thigh, squeezing lightly. Amethyst glances over at Courtland who stares down at Lincoln’s hand with a dark expression.

“Count me in, babe.”

She looks over at Killian and I. “I wanna try it,” I tell her without hesitation. I don’t know what it’s going to feel like, but right now, I’m game to have some fun.

I glance up at Killian and he lets out a sigh. “Fuck it. Lemme get one too.”



Everyone is completely gone, blitzed out of their fucking minds. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a speedball and I forgot about how intense the effects are from the mixture of the heroin and cocaine. The night shifts, moving up and down from the intense high from the cocaine, acting like speed and giving us insane amounts of energy. The heroin surfaces, killing the anxiety and paranoia. It’s a nice combination. The high hits just right.

Lincoln turned off the TV, turning on his stereo system instead as he plays a mixture of rap and R&B through the speakers. The base pounds and the girls dance around the room as the three of us sit and watch them. My eyes are glued to Ainsley and the way that she gets lost in the music, like she once did before shit got all complicated.

I glance over at Lincoln and Courtland across from me on the opposite couch. They haven’t said much, keeping their conversation quiet between the two of them, but it was hard not to notice the way that they keep touching each other.

Lincoln’s hand rests on Courtland’s thigh as he moves it up and down, every now and then brushing against his crotch. Courtland has his arm thrown around Linc’s shoulder, lightly dragging his fingers along the side of his throat.

Seeing them like this together isn’t unusual for me. Them touching each other was something they tried to keep subtle, but I saw them like this before. And it was usually when drugs were involved, when everyone’s inhibitions were gone and their guards were down.

Ainsley locks eyes with me from across the room and saunters toward me with her hands outstretched. “Dance with me, baby,” she says in her singsong voice that I’ve been longing to hear.

I shake my head, biting back a grin. “I don’t dance.”

“You do with me.”

A sigh slips from my mouth, but I can’t hold back the grin that creeps onto my lips any more. I take her hand, rising from the couch as she pulls me over toward her. My hands find her hips that sway along to the music. Her chest is pressed against mine and the front of her pelvis grinds against my cock that’s already been strained against the zipper of my jeans.

Grabbing her hips, I spin her around, pressing her ass against my cock. Ainsley lifts her arms, wrapping them around the back of my neck as my hands wander along her torso and across her body. She grinds against me, a soft moan slipping from her lips as I lick the side of her neck. I nip at the sensitive skin behind her ear.

I slide my hands under the bottom hem of her shirt, slowly dragging the tips of my fingers along her ribs, brushing underneath her breasts. Ainsley sucks in a breath, her breathing growing ragged as her chest rises and falls rapidly.

My hand moves over her chest, resting just above her breast as I feel her heart pounding erratically inside its cage. I cup her other breast with my free hand, squeezing gently as I brush the pad of my thumb over her taut nipple. She presses her ass harder against my cock, grinding against it, ready for me to be inside her.

I lift my head, seeing Courtland and Lincoln standing across the room, moving against Amethyst as she’s sandwiched in between them. Her shirt is gone with Court and Linc’s hands exploring her body as they both grind against her. Courtland grinds against her ass, his mouth on the back of her neck. Linc stands in front of her, his hands reaching around her for Courtland as he kisses Amethyst passionately.

Ainsley lifts her head slightly to look at them from across the room and grinds against me harder, moaning as she watches the way the three of them move together.

“You like what you’re seeing, baby girl?” I murmur against her ear, biting down on her earlobe.

Ainsley moans, arching her back as she presses herself against me. My hands grab her hips, my fingertips biting into her skin as I spin her around to face me. I grab the hem of her shirt, slowly lifting it over her head as I toss it onto the floor by our feet. Ainsley wraps her arms around the back of my neck, pressing her chest against mine.

I slide my hand up the side of her torso, dragging my fingertips along her collarbone before grabbing the side of her neck. She tips her head back as she leans up on her tiptoes, crushing her lips against mine.

Pain and pleasure mix together as I bruise her lips with my own. I breathe her in, draining the air from her lungs as she parts her lips, giving me full access. My tongue slides against hers and she matches my movements, her kiss leaving a lasting scar on my mouth.

I bite down on her bottom lip hard and swallow her moan as she arches her back, pressing her breasts against me. The taste of her blood touches my tongue and I swipe it along the crescent-shaped indents that I left in her flesh.

Ainsley pulls back, her hands sliding down my body as she reaches for my shirt and begins to lift it up to my shoulders. Releasing her with one hand, I grab the cotton material at the base of my neck and pull my shirt up over my head in one fluid movement. It slips from my hand, falling onto the floor with Ainsley’s discarded shirt.

Her lips find mine with an urgency and her hands roam across my body. Her skin is soft and her hard nipples brush against my bare chest as she moves against me. My cock strains in my pants, throbbing as she presses her pelvis against me.

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