Page 54 of Ice Princess

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“I know. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were trouble, but I can’t seem to care.”

That about sums up how I’m feeling too. The warning bells continue to chime, but I ignore them as Henry’s touch grows more insistent.

“Tell me to stop if you want, Lana. I will.” His lips trail along my neck, sending delicious sensation through me.

“I don’t want to stop… I just wonder if we should.”

He lifts his head, his eyes full of passion as he looks at me. “I imagine we should. But I’d give my?—”

“Left nut?” I ask, remembering his comment from before.

He nods with a soft laugh as he brushes my hair over my shoulder. “Yes. God, Lana… you make me want… I fucking ache with it.”

I’d always thought I was stronger than to fall for such words. But I’m not. They make me feel desired in a way I’ve never felt before.

Henry's teeth scrape against my neck, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through me. “I need to be inside you, Lana.”

I reach for his belt buckle, fumbling to get it undone along with the button and zipper of his slacks. I free his dick, stroking it.

“Fuck.” He groans against my skin. He tugs my panties down and grips my hips. “I wish we had more time… and a bed.”

Before I can respond, he thrusts inside me. Like a tidal wave, pleasure flows through me. I hold on to him, wrapping my legs around his hips. His touch is electrifying, igniting a fire deep within me that only he can. He's everything I shouldn't want, yet I can't resist him. He’s demolished my carefully built control, exposing the vulnerable side of me. And I’m letting him.

As Henry's tongue sweeps into my mouth, I lose myself in the sensation, giving in to the need that burns between us. It's intense, overwhelming, but I welcome it with open arms. I cling to him, my fingers digging into his shoulders as he moves inside me. He’s frenetic, moving fast, hard, sending me careening toward pleasure.

“Fuck, baby… I can’t wait.” He growls as his dick pistons in and out of me.

“Don’t wait. Now, Henry. Oh, God. I’m coming.” I hit the pinnacle and soar into wonderous bliss.

“Yes,” he calls out, slamming into me and grinding as warmth fills me.

And when it’s done, he holds me, his dick still inside me, his face in my neck. The moment feels charged with emotion. It terrifies me even as it makes me feel loved in a way I’ve never been before.

He lifts his head, his eyes searching mine. “Are you okay?”

I have no idea, actually. “I’m still… unsure.”

“About me?”

“About all of this. We can’t ignore the reality of our situation.”

Henry rests his forehead against mine. “I know. But I can’t let you go. I want to be with you for as long as you'll have me."

His words send a shiver through me, equal parts excitement and fear. I want to give in, to let myself fall into this without reservation. But the pragmatic part of me, the part still reelingfrom the search of my office this morning, can't be silenced so easily.

"And what happens when duty calls? When you're faced with a choice between me and your job, as happened today?"

Henry’s expression is as helpless as I feel. "I can promise that I'll always be honest with you. That I'll do everything in my power to protect you.”

“Protect me? Even if you think I’ve broken the law?”

"I want to be with you, Lana.” He says it matter-of-factly. There's almost a hopeless tone to it. Like he has no choice but to want me.

The truth is that I want to be with him too. But can I trust him? Can I afford to let my guard down, even for a moment? The stakes are too high, the risks too great. One wrong move, and everything my family has built could come crashing down.

I should distance myself from Henry, cut all ties before things get too complicated. But the thought of never seeing him again, never feeling his arms around me… it leaves an ache in my chest.

He leans in and kisses me. “You really do have me by the short hairs.”

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