Page 4 of A Very Grumpy Boss

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I would love to go out with Ford, to be his, but I can’t. We have a good relationship. We’re friends and he’s my boss, and I can’t mess that up. I might have failed at art and at getting my family to love me, but I’ll be damned if I fail at a relationship with Ford.

I don’t even know what I would do then. I’d have to find another job, probably in another town, because I know I’d run into him every time I left the house if I stayed in this small town.

“No, we’re just friends. Plus, he’s my boss so it would just complicate things.”

My friends look disappointed but no one argues with me.

“I should get going,” Kerry says, standing, and the other girls follow.

“Yeah, it’s getting late. We’ll see you later,” Vera says, and I smile and walk them out.

“See you!” I call, waving as they drive off.

I head back inside to clean up and sigh as I load the dishwasher. Something needs to change; I just don’t know what.

My cell starts to ring and I grab it, smiling when I see my grandma’s name on the screen. Out of all of my family members, she’s the only one that I talk to reguraly. My parents are in Arizona or Nevada, somewhere down south, and all of my aunts and uncles are spread out on the East Coast. I never see or hear from any of them, and honestly, that’s the way I like it.

“Hey, Grams! How’s it going?”

“Oh, good, honey. It’s so good to hear your voice,” she says.

“Yours too.”

“Well, I know you must be busy, but I wanted to see if you would be up for a visit from me soon?”

“Always! When were you thinking about coming?” I ask as I close the dishwasher and hit start.

“In a few days actually.”

“Really?” I ask in surprise.

“Yeah, if that’s not a bother.”

“No, of course not. I have work, but I can try to move some shifts around.”

“Oh, don’t put yourself out for me, honey! I’ll be visiting friends in town, too.”

“Okay, cool. I’ll make up the other room for you.”

“Good, and listen, there’s someone that I’d like you to meet. He’s this handsome young man that I met?—”

“No, Grams! Please don’t set me up,” I plead.

I’m used to this. My grams has tried to set me up with at least five different guys over the last two years. I swear that if she knew how to work a computer, she would have a dating profile set up for me on all the dating sites.

“It’s just a meeting!” She protests. “I hate to think of you all alone.”

“I’m not alone,” I tell her.

“Really? You’re seeing someone? Why didn’t you tell me?”

That’s not what I meant, but hearing how excited she is, I find myself lying.

“It’s new, like really new.”

“Oh! It’s that Ford, isn’t it? You two were always so sweet on each other.”

“Um, yeah,” I agree, and she goes on to gush about how she knows that we must make such a cute couple, but all I can think iscrap.

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