Page 24 of A Very Grumpy Boss

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“He does. You said that it was pretend? Well, it seems to me that he was doing and saying things he didn’t need to. Right? He was acting like you two were together even when he didn’t have to,” she points out.

“Yeah… but what if that was just practice? I mean, that’s what he told me when he agreed to be my fake boyfriend.”

“Was it?” Grams asks with a big laugh.


“Well, that’s a creative way to be able to kiss and touch you without you panicking. Seems that man knows you quite well.”

“He does,” I murmur, and she smiles.

“You two will figure it out. Now, I’m headed out. I’m going to meet the girls over at Doreen’s place for coffee this morning.”

“I can drive you,” I offer.

“No need. Janice is stopping by on her way over there.”

I hear a car pull up outside, and I tense, wondering if it’s Ford, but when I look, it’s Mrs. Abbot instead.

I help my grandma down the front porch steps and wave as she heads over to join her friend. Then I turn and head inside.

My brain is spinning, and I try to figure out my next steps as I head towards my bedroom.

Should I call him? Or wait until I run into him? How can I tell him that I love him, that I have for years?

How do I start a relationship with him without messing everything up between us?

Fear grips me and I take a deep breath.

I need to try. I can’t keep pretending like we’re just friends. Not after this week and definitely not after we slept together. I’ll tell him how I feel and then we can go from there.

It sounds so easy, but deep down, I’m petrified, imagining all of the ways this could go wrong.

I head into my bedroom, and I’m about to strip and take a shower when someone knocks on the door. My stomach drops as I freeze. I know that it can only be one person and I swallow hard as I turn and get ready to bare my heart to the only man who has ever owned it.



I knewthat I should have showered with Cameron.

That’s the first thing that I think when I come out of the bathroom and find her gone. The bed is still warm so I know she must have just left. The house is too quiet though, so I know she left.

Part of me is frustrated. I wish she would have waited for me, especially because we need to talk about us.

I know that she’s running from me. Last night and this morning were amazing, everything that I dreamed of and more, but it also is a major shift in our relationship and I know that Cameron will need a moment to wrap her head around it.

She’s had her minute now though. I can’t wait any longer, not when I finally feel like I have my girl.

My phone buzzes and I let out a relieved breath when I see that one of my other cooks is headed to fill in. That means that I don’t have to go to work right now and I can focus on getting my girl.

I hurry to get dressed and grab my keys, hopping in my truck to head over to Cameron’s house. Her car is there when I pull up, and I wave to her grandma as I climb out.

“Morning, dear,” she says with a knowing smile, and I grin.

“Morning, ma’am. Where are you off to?”

“Brunch with my friends. Are you headed to Nosh soon? That’s where we’re going,” she tells me.

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