Page 23 of A Very Grumpy Boss

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What the hellwas I thinking? What have I done?

I obviously wasn’t, or I never would have slept with Ford, or at least not until I knew where we stood.

What happens now? Are we dating for real, or is this still all fake? Does he regret it? Is he freaking out right now too?

I can hear him in the shower and panic starts to really set in as I picture him standing in there, wondering how he’s going to fix this and get me out of here.

Does he really have to go into work, or was that just an excuse to get away from me?

I should just leave. I should get out of here before he comes out and things get really awkward. Maybe I can just leave and we can pretend like it never happened. Sure, it will be hard, but it’s better than the alternative of him turning me down. I’m not sure I could survive that.

Decision made, I scramble out of bed and gather up my clothes. I tug them on, listening to the water in the shower. It hasn’t turned off yet and I wonder if he always takes showers for that long or if he’s in there panicking as well.

I grab my keys and sneak out of his place and over to my car. I hurry to start the vehicle, and then I’m speeding off out of his driveway and down the road. It’s still early, and I don’t pass that many people as I drive back to my place.

When I park out front, I send up a silent prayer that Grams is still asleep so that I don’t have to answer any of her questions.

As I let myself inside though, I realize that I’m not that lucky.

“Good morning, dear,” Grams says, and I paste a smile on my face as I turn to greet her.

“Morning,” I say, trying to sound cheerful, but my voice breaks.

“What’s wrong, Cameron?” She asks, coming towards me.

It’s all just too much, and I break down as she reaches my side.

“I’m not dating Ford,” I admit to her through my tears.

“Oh, honey. Did something happen between you two? Did you have a fight?”

“No,” I sniffle.

“I’m sure that you’ll work it out. That boy is crazy about you.”

“No, Grams. We’re not dating. We never were. It was all pretend,” I admit, hanging my head in shame.

I expect her to be upset with me for lying to her, but to my surprise, my grandma just laughs.

“Of course, you two are dating. Everyone can see how much he loves you.”

“He doesn’t.”

“He does, and you love him too. It’s quite obvious, dear.”

She pats my hand, and I stare at her.

“We’re not in love,” I mumble, and she sighs.

“Yes, you are. You two need to stop playing games or pretending and just admit it to each other.”

I know that she’s right. I can’t avoid Ford, not while I work for him or live in Wolf Valley, and I can’t pretend that I only see him as a friend, not after last night and this morning.

I need to be brave and take a risk.

The thought terrifies me. I’m more scared than I was when I left to pursue an art career, and I swallow hard as I swipe at the tears on my cheeks.

“What if he doesn’t feel the same way about me?” I whisper, and my grandma pats my shoulder.

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