Page 9 of Snaring Her Man

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Bad idea.

I tumble over the window seat, slamming into the floor. My side will sport a massive bruise but I welcome the wake-up call. If I continue to watch Cameron, I might make a huge error in judgment.

Girl, please. March your ass over there and demand he do more than play with himself. That is no error in judgment. It’s a goddamn public service.

I stumble to my feet and close the curtains, though the thin, gauzy material doesn’t hide him completely from sight. His distorted silhouette at least hides if he continues to the finish line. Anger, unadulterated and unearned surges inside me. If he does come to completion, I hope his dick falls off. I swing around, too disgusted with myself for caring, and march into my bathroom to start my day.

“The least he could do is express some concern about my well-being,” I mutter while rubbing the sore area above my hip.

Soaring to the top of my to-do list is a brand new set of blackout curtains. There will be no repeats of this morning.

I secure my shower cap over my hair and allow the water to pulse against my body. The pressure is a godsend. As I am about to wash off the soapsuds, my shower curtain is pushed aside. I leap back, pressing my spine against the tiled wall.

“Are you hurt?” Cameron demands with his arms outstretched to me.

“Why are you here?” I fold my arms over my breasts, evading his attempt to ascertain my injuries. Embarrassment and a stray touch on my side as he twists me this and that way cause my body to flush. With nowhere to hide, I try not to look into his worry-darkened eyes.

I need to stay strong, but being naked this close to him is wreaking havoc on my will.

As my predicament sinks in, Cameron’s concern morphs into appreciation. He stares at the suds covering my skin and his green eyes darken more than when he was distressed about the fallout from my clumsiness.

I want to drown in his eyes, but doing so will lead me down a path I am not prepared to travel. “You don’t have X-Ray vision to see through my protective armor.” I cross my legs to shield my sex from his view.

A debate wages across his face, making me wonder about the thoughts running through his mind. His lips firm. He must be done arguing with himself. Instead of stepping away and closing the shower curtain, he steps forward, reaching above my head for the shower head and completely ignoring his soaking clothes.

His white shirt becomes transparent, clinging to the muscles I’d panted over moments before. I clench my fingers into fists under my arms. There is no way I’m letting temptation take me onthatjourney.

“What are you doing?” I twist to hide more of my body from him. “Get out before you get any wetter.

“None doing. I’m the reason you fell. The least I can do is look after my little lamb. It’s not like a little water ever hurt anybody.” He winks, then hovers the water above the soapy areas on my skin.

I peek over my shoulder at him. “This really isn’t necessary. I learned to shower many years ago. I’d say I’m an expert-level showerer at this point.”

His lips twist up in one corner. When I’m suds-free, he shuts the water off and disappears. He returns in seconds, more tempting than before. He’s divested his clothes to wrap a towel around his trim waist, supplying me with a closeup view of his body.



You know the best way to quench your thirst? Lick every drop of water off Cameron’s skin. Just give me the word. You were made for this moment.

Cameron holds out a towel to me and wraps me in its softness. For endless seconds he keeps me in his embrace. Try as I might, I can’t muster the energy to break away.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” he whispers in my ear. “But now that we’re both naked, why don’t we pick up from where we left off in Felicidad? You have no idea how you’ve monopolized my every waking moment.”

My heart races with each revelatory bomb he drops into the silence. This thing…this attraction, I could never confuse it as being one-sided, but I see the dangers. Our brief interlude made me confront the stranger living in my body.

Stop pretending to not know who I am!

I try to silence Keating’s voice in my head. What scares me more than anything is, she doesn’t feel completely strange. But if she is familiar, that means the things I did and want to do with Cameron are part of me, and that’s a truth I cannot accept.

I twist out of his hold, keeping my back towards him. “For a millisecond you fooled me into thinking you were a decent guy but you’re not. You’re the kind of person who’d take advantage of a baby.”

“Woah, wait a minute.” He spins me to face him. “I’ve been straight up with you. I was genuinely concerned that you’d hurt yourself and ran over here with my heart pumping a mile a second. But you are okay and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t shoot my shot. If I didn’t do it over the weekend, I would never have known how sweet your pussy tasted.”

“Please stop,” I whimper. “You don’t play fair.”

“Why should I? I know what I’m missing out on.” He steps closer to me, backs me against the shower wall, and cages me in with his hands beside my head. “I’ve had enough regrets in my life and one thing I’ve learned is to never shy away from anything that makes me feel as good as you did the other night. Give you whatever you need to put the same look of enjoyment on your face.”

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