Page 78 of Snaring Her Man

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“You. Are. Not. Preggo.”

“If I’m not, I’m doing a damn good impression of a person who is.”

I fall back, nearly hitting the floor. “Does Greg know?”

She shakes her head.

“Are you keeping it?” I cringe as I ask.

Jazzy touches her stomach. “Yes.”

“Are you going to tell Greg?”

“I think so? He has a right to know, but I also have a right to protect my child from someone who will look at them as an object meant to exploit money from him.” Jazzy pops the rest of the biscuit into her mouth. “With the way we left things if he spoke out of the side of his neck, I would do time for murder. I will not have my baby in prison.”

“As the baby’s godmother, I’ll take care of them until you’ve completed your sentence,” I offer.

“Why are we friends?” Jazzy pushes play on the remote. “Don’t answer that. Let me soak up the Juni-Tomo vibes.”

Before we invest our all in watching the show, I whisper, “Whatever happens, you know I’ve got your back.”

Jazzy sniffles. “Shut up, you’re interrupting my feel-good vibes.”

We’re in the middle of the second episode when my phone blows up.

Jazzy glares at me, no hint of tears or the sentimental moment we shared on her face.

I hit the pause button, knowing I risk incurring her wrath for the interruption.

“Whoever that is better need you to solve a nuclear missile crisis because interrupting Junichiro as he faints every time he glimpses Tomo-chan in a short skirt is unforgivable.”

I glance at the phone screen. “It’s Glamma.”

“You gonna answer it?”

“I should pretend that I don’t hear my phone. It’s on mute and I’m in a different room.”

Jazzy shakes her head at me with a disappointed sneer. Even Jackpot’s stare is full of disdain.

“What if she’s planned the dates and names for my children? I bet she knows my cycle better than I do. Do you think she was a witch in a former life?”

“Only one way to find out.” Jazzy snatches the phone, accepts the call on my behalf, and hands me the device.

* * *

Despite Escondido Bay’ssmall size, I don’t have many reasons to enter the mayor’s neighborhood. Running to rescue my glamma would never have made the list. I shut off my car and take a few seconds to don invisible armor. I’ll be in and out in two snaps of my fingers. There will be no time for Glamma to embroil me in her relationship SOS.

I push the door, unsurprised to find it unlocked. Inside, there is a spacious entryway full of bright-colored paintings and furnishings. “Hello! It’s your friendly neighborhood hostage negotiator,” I call out as I walk further into the house.

No one answers.

I pull out my phone to call Onyx when I bump into Pedro. He quickly pockets a small item.

“Kenya? What are you doing here?” he asks. From the frown on his face, he isn’t happy to see me.

“Um, Glamma said she needed a ride home.”

Pedro clenches his jaw. “I should have known. Alright then, follow me. I was on my way to her.” He leads me past well-appointed rooms until we reach a set of pocket doors. He slides them open to reveal a private library.

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