Page 81 of Scalebound

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My heart skipped a beat. “You would still do this for my kingdom?” I asked, thinking of the possibility of us not returning and of the others still carrying out my quest.

“Not for your kingdom, Lia,” Clemmy clarified. “But for you.” My heart became overwhelmed, a smile threatening my face. I had never felt so loved in my entire life. I had found my people–my family.

“Who will go?” Luella asked, her golden eyes flickering from side to side. “Me, Aurelia, and Clemmy. This is happening in Aurelia’s kingdom, and it is her quest. Clemmy knows more about magic from the Old Religion than most of us,” Abner answered. No one could argue with that.

“There’s no way inHaxnau1 that Aurelia is going without me,” Damian revolted, moving closer to me, glaring at Abner.

“You can’t come. You’re needed here,” I pressed.

“The more we have with us, the more dangerous it will be. For all of us,” Abner said, tilting his head to the side, his eyebrowsraised, looking toward Damian.“Over my dead body, am I letting you go without me right next to your side? I will kill any living thing that crosses your path, I swear toHaxnau. You are not going without me,” Damian whispered. His words took me aback with their abruptness. I didn’t know what else to think. “I willNOTlose you again, my Queen,” he said with fierceness in his eyes, quiet enough for only me to hear.

I was so stunned by his words that I stood silently, a lump forming in my throat. He cared about me.

“Well, let’s do this, then,” Abner protested. The sun in the sky was dropping, flooding the bottom of it, the darkness of the night creeping into the air above us. It would be perfect to go at night. We were less likely to be spotted. “Damian and Aurelia on Belle, and Clemmy, you will come with me andWaimanimet2.”

Abner opened up a small portion of the intertwined blackened trees, allowing our dragons to enter. We chose a large field so that they would easily be able to make their way down and still stay hidden.

The wind fluttered, blowing a breeze through our hair, the material on the tents rippling as our dragons flew down through the hole provided by Abner’s abilities.

Belle’s wings flapped viciously, her pink and golden scales prominently showing as the sky and atmosphere got darker.Waimanimetcame down as well. His scales were so dark that he almost blended in with the sky. His horns were razor sharp and could slice through my skin with hardly any effort. He was at least four times the size of Belle, being a full-grown dragon. His teeth flared and flashed a pearly white.

Despite my nerves around the enormous dragon, it brought me comfort knowing that he was on our side. He would be able to protect us if all else fails, with his mastery of shadow elements. His skills could make it easier and more secure for us to hide in the shadows.

Our dragons landed with exactness and precision. Gusts of dirt flurried into the air with their landing. Their wings, strong and powerful, coming to a stop. There was a giddiness in Belle’s step that made me realize she was excited about something. Tilting my head, I turned, looking at her.“What are you thinking about, my Uanai3?”

“Death,”Belle said, snaring her fangs. Her teeth became larger, filling more of her mouth, growing sharper. I even noticed her legs becoming slightly thicker, as well. Her scales were once delicate, but had become strong like armor. Nearing closer, I raised my arm to stroke her snout.

I smirked at her remarks.“You’re becoming the little Haxnau, aren’t you?”She snared her sharp teeth again in response.“What did I do to you?”I giggled.

“Rasandrea4?”Abner asked, wondering if we were ready. I missed it, but Abner and Clemmy had already climbed up onWaimanimet.

Damian got up on Belle and held his hand out to help me up her body. After rolling my eyes, I accepted his help. His strong hands gripped mine with a force that made my palm tingle. He let me sit up front, and he put his hands wrapped over my thighs, digging into them.

A sensation of tingling swarmed my body from his touch.

But I was supposed to hate him.

I couldn’t live on his touch.

Thrive on his touch.

Want more of his body.

My heart stopped instantly until Luella cried out, peering up at us. Her small face and hands were waving to each of us. “Be safe!” she called out, tears glistening in her full eyes.

“We’re gonna be fine,” Clemmy shouted, her smile strained. My muscles coiled, anticipation and readiness coursing through my frame. We were going straight to the Deathlies. Why in theworld would anyone willingly approach their enemy? We had to. We needed to understand what we were facing.

A thought crossed my mind that I had to erase. What if Clemmy just lied?


We were going to be okay.

Our dragons lifted off the ground. Their wings flapped, dirt scraping against my face and filling my eyes, making them water.

Damian’s hands dug again into my thighs, showing that he was there–reminding me he was going to keep his promise.

He was going to be with me always.

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