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Dr. Griffin is more than anything I imagined him to be. The author's photos in his books don’t do him justice at all. He’s tall with broad shoulders, and I can’t stop imagining how firm and toned his body must be. His dark brown hair is neatly combed back, and his blue eyes practically ignite when he looks at me. I’ve always been a good student, but I could hardly focus sitting across from him. I don’t know if it’s my attraction to him or the admiration I have for his talent, but I can’t get him off my mind.

I fell in love with his writing the first time I read his book, The Red Eyes of Dusk. It became one of my favorite books of all time, and after that, I started reading everything he's ever worked on. The only reason I applied to the school was because I knew he taught here. Of course, there are plenty of other great things about the university, but to me, Dr. Griffin is the best. As a freshman, I'd been trying to get into one of his classes, but the selection process didn’t favor newer students. Nevertheless, I was on the waitlist every semester. Finally, in my junior year, I got to take my first class with him.

If it weren't for him, I would have more than likely gone to a much more affordable university closer to home, like my parents wanted me to. Thankfully, I have a scholarship that pays about 75% of my tuition. If it weren't for that scholarship, I might not even be able to attend. Then, I would have never met Dr. Griffin.

The next day, I find my mind drifting back to Dr. Griffin during every other class I have. When it comes to calc, I can’t focus on a word the professor says. I sit in the back of the classroom, remembering how Dr. Griffin watched me the day before.

Most of the time, when a guy looks at me the way he does, I feel uncomfortable. I’ve dated a few guys my age here and there, but they’re immature and boring, and I never end up going out with them after the first date. The furthest I’ve ever gone with any of them is a goodnight kiss. But with Dr. Griffin, I can feel myself getting excited at the idea of him watching me. He’s experienced and established in the literary world. I imagine myself standing next to him at award ceremonies for his work, him whispering to me that I’m his muse, his inspiration. Without realizing what I’m doing, I start shifting back and forth in class, squeezing my thighs tighter together to try and create some friction between my legs.

The other students standing up to leave class is the only indication I have that it’s time to leave. I know that Dr. Griffin has office hours today, and I want to see him again badly. I need to see if what I saw the day before was all in my head or not.

His office is in an old townhouse that the university bought years before and converted into classrooms and faculty offices. Knowing his hours would end soon if he didn’t decide to leave early, I rush across campus to meet him there on time. As soon as I step inside the building, I can feel how sticky and hot the air is, reminding me that the building is much older than most of the others on campus.

I climb the stairs to his office, not surprised to see that most of the building is empty at this hour. It’s nearly six in the evening, and most staff have gone home for the day, and there don’t seem to be any evening classes at the moment.

When I make it to Dr. Griffin’s office, he’s packing his bag to leave. I contemplate just turning around and going back to my air-conditioned dorm and trying again another time, but I think of how he invited me there himself. He’s the one who said he’d love to see me there.

I knock on the door and wave at him, leaning against the doorframe. “Is it too late for me to be here?” I ask him, looking around at the empty offices around us.

“Not at all,” he replies, setting his bag down with a smile and taking a seat behind his desk. “I was hoping you’d come by today, actually.”

“Really?” I ask, feeling my heart pound in my chest. “Any reason in particular?”

“I happened to be looking over an old copy of The Falcon, and I saw your name,” he says, pointing to a copy of the university’s lit mag. “You’ve actually read the course materials, and you’re quite talented. I love that in a student.”

“I’ve actually already read your list,” I say, biting my lower lip and watching the surprised look on his face with joy. “I started over the summer, and I couldn’t put any of it down.”

“I think you’ve just become my favorite student, Miss Simmons.” He leans forward on his desk, shifting in his chair. His eyes fall to my mouth, and I instinctively bite my lip, seeing it, thrilled to see him looking at me the same way again.

“I was hoping you could give me some more recommendations?” I say while I fan my face from the heat.

“The maintenance was supposed to fix the AC today, but they never got around to it.” He sees how flushed I am, though it’s mostly from him.

I smile at him and begin lifting the thin sweater I’m wearing over my head. It was cool in the morning when I left for class, but the heat had been breaking records during the day lately. Under the sweater, I wore a cropped tank top that exposed just enough of my breasts for Dr. Griffin to lock his eyes on them.

I lean forward in the chair, watching how he licks his lips in reaction to my body, feeling myself getting aroused, too.

“I’m sure I have plenty of recommendations for you.” He looks away from me and toward the shelves of books.

I stand up and walk toward them, tracing my fingers over their spines while looking at the titles. When I turn back to look at Dr. Griffin, his eyes are glued to my legs, and I’m glad I wore the short skirt.

“Have you read all of these?” I lean my head against the shelf and watch him.

“It’s my job to read,” he says with a smile. “Anything you’re looking for?”

I think about it for a moment, then smile at him, nodding my head. “It’s cheesy, but I like romance.” I slowly make my way to the desk again. “I like the yearning and desperation the lovers have. I want something that shows the intensity and passion I’d want in a relationship.”

“You want something passionate and romantic.” He nods and looks up at me while I stand next to his desk. “What about something with sensuality or eroticism?”

Dr. Griffin sits up straighter in his seat. I can see that he’s excited by the conversation, and I want to push further.

“Mmm,” I softly whisper, nodding my head. “That sounds lovely.”

“I think I have something for you then.” He scoots his chair back, looking me up and down slowly. “But it isn’t something you’ll find in any book.”

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