Page 9 of Wind Whisperer

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And, Lord. If humans had truly evolved to the top of the food chain, that had more to do with opposable digits than brains, because they rarely did what was best for them — especially in matters of the heart.

“I mean it. He’s trouble.”

Her arms went fromBruce Leeto crossed tightly over her chest. “Obviously. Was it the tattoos or motorcycle that tipped you off?”

Any minute now, we’d need a mop for that pool of sarcasm dripping from her tongue.

I shook my head. “Believe me. He’s pure trouble.”

“Aha. And you know this because…?”

If I could only tell it straight.Because I’m a dragon shifter and can scent his kind. Because I did a year of top-secret FBI-style training in identifying and containing supernaturals, and I aced the “witches and warlocks” part.

My gut roiled at the part of training Ihadn’taced, but she didn’t need to know about that.

“Because I know his type. I know his tactics.”

Her laugh rose to the ceiling. “Let me guess. He sneaks into out-of-the-way bars and corrupts young, naïve women like me.” She leaned in and continued in a conspiracy-theory tone. “Before you know it, he’ll have his dirty boots on the table and a sweet young thing in his lap while he plots his next crime. A hit-and-run, maybe, or just running his chopper in circles through some old lady’s rose garden. Then he’ll leave town without paying the bills and go on to wreak havoc elsewhere. That type?”

Her voice rose in a damning crescendo, making me blink. Wow. Why was she so defensive?

And, hell. She wasn’t done yet.

“And of course, we innocent young women have no chance against his type. We desperately need to be rescued by complete strangers because we’re incapable of coherent thought — and certainly not capable of taking care of ourselves.”

Boy, she really had a chip on her shoulder.

Her eyes — blue? green? — blazed. “Let me set you straight. I am not that woman. I did not ask for your advice. I do notneedyour advice.” She stuck a finger in the middle of my chest, puncturing — er, punctuating — every word. “If I need your help or advice, I’ll ask. Until then, stuff it.”

She paused for a deep breath, then hammered my chest one more time. “And if you follow me out of this bathroom, I swear, your ego is not the only thing that will suffer.”

A twinge went through my groin, and I turned sideways, just in case.

She slammed the door open and stomped away, nearly bowling over a trucker-type in a John Deere cap.

The guy stared at her, then me.

I shook my head wearily. “Don’t ask.”

He shot me one of thoseI’m with you, brotherlooks on his way to the urinal.

If Erin were still there, I was sure she would mutter,Make sure you aim.

I left. Quickly. At the corner of the hallway, I paused. Erin made a beeline back to her table — and the warlock. She sidled up to him and looped an arm defiantly over his shoulders.

My dragon sighed.Maybe the warlock will be the one who bit off more than he can chew.

I could only hope.

For a few minutes, I stood at the bar, warring with myself. Then I downed the rest of my drink and threw down a few bills. I headed to the door, reminding myself I was a civilian now. It wasn’t my job to get involved.

But, hell. Something in mebeggedto be involved, even though it would be no use.

Outside, I scowled at the motorcycles crowding the no-parking zone directly in front of the bar.

Any warlock was suspicious as hell, but unlike vampires, they rarely hurt their victims. They simply used their magic to enthrall and seduce. In that sense, they weren’t too different from humans with power or celebrity appeal, like CEOs or sports stars. Heck, many CEOs and sports stars were warlocks or relics. Either way, lots of women fell for those types. But unless thatwarlock was up to something much sneakier, I had no grounds to interfere.

I glanced back, fighting like a dog on the leash of my own determination. Then I growled at myself. Was I getting soft? Or were the last couple of listless, depressing months getting to me?

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