Page 73 of Wind Whisperer

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I looked closer. Wow. Nash’s eyes werereallyclear andreallybright, without that haunted look I sometimes caught.

Without word or signal, we settled into a long, gentle kiss. Reaching around blindly, Nash found the Mexican blanket that covered my worn couch, then pulled it over his shoulders, covering us both.

Ha. As if I were cold. But it did create a comfy nest. So comfy, I never wanted to leave.

“Nice,” I whispered, risking one word.

His lips curved into a smile. “Nice.”

We lay quietly, me listening to his heart thump, him gently stroking my skin. Minutes later, a coyote yipped in the distance, and I chuckled. “You sure you’re not tempted to run out and join them?”

I’d never seen a shifter change forms — not directly anyway. I’d only ever caught fleeting glimpses of my father’s shifter friends — or my mother leaving after upending my life with one of her rare, unannounced visits.

Nash’s eyes clouded. “Not tempted, no.”

I rubbed my cheek against his, then sighed. “Pippa is going to love this.”

He shrugged. “Let her.”

“Ha. You have no idea how annoying my sister can be.”

Of course, Pippa would tease me just as mercilessly if nothing had happened between Nash and me. At least this way, I came out ahead.

Nash held me quietly, and I closed my eyes. In the morning, I would have to face up to what we’d just done. But for now…

I considered for a moment, then kissed him. Once. Twice.

Mm. My body was already warming up for a second round.

“I’m thinking about a new location for this sleepover,” I announced.

Nash arched an eyebrow in a sinfully hot look. “Oh yes?”

I pointed toward the loft. “Like Claire said. Everyone piled into one bed. As long aseveryoneis only us two,” I added quickly.

He laughed, rolling to his side, then getting to his feet.

The blanket fell away, and oh my goodness. Lots of goodness. Very big goodness—

I yanked my eyes back to his face. “There’s not a lot of headroom, so I might have to take the top…”

He smiled, pulling me to my feet. Our bodies pressed against each other comfortably, like we’d been together for many happy years.

I forced the thought away. This was just one night, not a lifetime.

“Lead the way, boss,” he murmured, following me to the loft. “Lead the way.”

Chapter Twenty


I’d spent all my adult years consumed by work — first in the military, then at the agency. Both were big on rules, and mostly, those rules were fine with me.

Kind of ironic, then, to find myself breaking so many of them these days. Tonight especially.

I followed Erin up to the loft and sank down on the deep mattress.

Mmm,my dragon sighed dreamily as she pressed over me.

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