Page 61 of Wind Whisperer

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I could guess, though — and kudos to him for not asking about the vortex. Still, I tensed a little as we cruised up to the main house. The low winter sun glared from straight ahead, making me squint, then glance sideways at Nash. Was I right to trust him?

Roscoe rose from the porch, barking and wagging his tail in his usual set of mixed messages. A small, strawberry-blond girl shot out of the house, meeting me with a cheer.

“Erin! Erin!”

I slid out of my car to greet my niece — a reminder of everything I held most dear and everything I risked.

“Claire!” I kneeled for a hug. A really big, really long one during which I closed my eyes and swore a thousand oaths.

Will not let the bad guys take this ranch. Will not let them harm those I love.

Roscoe slobbered on both of us, adding his own vow.

Claire extracted herself and smiled at Nash. “Hello. Who are you?”

His gulp indicated he wasn’t the doting uncle of a half dozen kids. In fact, he’d never mentioned family at all. On the other hand, we hadn’t discussed much besides work and Harlon.

Damn shame,a little voice in the back of my mind said.

“I’m Nash. Nice to meet you.” He stuck out a hand awkwardly.

Definitely no practice with kids. No problem for Claire, though. She grabbed his hand and shook enthusiastically, then made him shake the paw of her stuffed animal, a pink bunny.

“This is Hopper. Do you want to see my horses?”

“Um…” Nash looked at me.

My sisters stepped outside next — Abby, with a grim,What the Fucklook, and Pippa, with a huge, mischievous grin.

“Hi there,” Pippa called. “Nash, right?”

He nodded, sticking his hands into his pockets.

I bent to Claire’s level. “I think Nash would love to see your horses. Can you show him?”

Bouncing in glee, she grabbed his hand and towed him into the house. Well, she tried, but Abby blocked the door, glaring at Nash.

I sighed, shooting her a look that said,I’m not happy with this either, but if you give me a minute, I’ll explain.

“Mom.” Claire nudged her.

Finally, Abby relented a teensy-tiny bit. “I think your horses need some exercise. Why don’t you bring them out and show Nash here on the porch?”

Ah, my dear sister. Never one to trust a man farther than she could jiu-jitsu-throw him.

“I’ll be right back.” Claire shoved Hopper at Nash, ducked under Abby’s arm, and zoomed inside. Seconds later, she reappeared with an armful of toy horses. We sisters had collected them as kids, and Claire had inherited the whole herd.

“Here.” She thrust them into Nash’s arms and rushed inside for more.

“Meanwhile, we’ll take a little walk,” I said, motioning my sisters to follow.

Pippa bounded along eagerly, and Abby reluctantly followed. We were barely out of earshot when she hissed, “What the hell is he doing here?”

* * *

It took thirty minutes of explaining, arguing, and cajoling, but I finally filled my sisters in on everything that had transpired. They went from displeased to angry to gravely concerned but agreed it was best for Nash to stay with us while we figured out what to do.

Afterward, I rescued Nash from Claire and the horses, though that took some convincing too.

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