Page 58 of Wind Whisperer

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Angelina’s canines extended another quarter-inch, but Erin spoke first, cutting her off.

“In any case, it’s a moot point. My property is not for sale.”

Vampires weren’t witches, with the ability to play with people’s minds. But a vampire glare could still make even the strongest human tremble in fear. But, wow. Erin stubbornly held Angelina’s gaze.

She’s not just a relic,my dragon whispered.

No, Erin was more than that. Much more, though I doubted she knew it.

A zephyr of wind wafted over the deck just then, blowing a loose napkin into the air. Erin and Angelina grabbed for it at the same time. Erin immediately snatched her hand away.

“Watch it!” She rubbed the scratch on the back of her hand, inflicted by one of Angelina’s two-inch nails.

An innocent-enough accident, though with Angelina, you never knew.

At first, Angelina looked annoyed. But the moment she spotted a drop of Erin’s blood on those talons of hers, her eyes sparkled.

No!I wanted to yell as Angelina brought her hand to her mouth.

A taste of human blood — even a tiny drop — allowed a vampire to track the source anywhere, anytime. For all eternity.

Angelina’s smile grew as she brought her hand toward her lips. I lunged to stop her, but the table stood in the way.

Erin muttered, making a shooing motion, and all hell broke loose.

Plastic chairs scraped across the deck. The canvas of a sun umbrella rattled, and more napkins flipped by as an out-of-nowhere microburst ripped across the deck. Angelina’s long, loose hair whipped around her head, and she ducked against an onslaught of napkins the wind yanked from a dispenser on the next table.

“What the…?” she yelped, throwing up her hands.

For the next few seconds, it was all I could do to brace myself against the stinging slaps of airborne objects. Napkins…plastic cups…coasters…

“Dammit…” Angelina clawed a paper place mat from her face.

An empty can rolled across the deck and fell into the parking space below with a loud clank. The wind followed it, and a moment later, the deck calmed. My pounding heart didn’t. Not with Angelina licking the blood off her finger with a look of triumph.

An instant later, she frowned and licked again. Then she looked at her hand, perplexed.

Whew. The blood had been wiped away by the windborne debris.

“Now, where were we?” Erin patted her hair back into place, totally unperturbed. “Oh, yes. I was making it clear to you my property is not — and will never be — for sale. You got that? Good,” she concluded before Angelina could so much as peep. “Then we’ll stop wasting your time — and mine.” She stood, grabbed my hand, and marched me toward the door. There, she turned and flashed Angelina a fake smile. “Oh, and one more thing. You might want to check your hair on the way out.”

She didn’t finish withbitch, but her intonation left exactly enough space to fill that part in.

Chapter Sixteen


I strutted away from Angelina with my heart hammering, though I did my best not to let it show. Because, whew. I’d just told off a vampire. Maybe not the wisest thing, but still. What a bitch!

“Good job,” Nash murmured as we bustled across the food court and out to the street.

I stood a little straighter. An agent of the BDSM — er, ADMSA — thought I’d handled a vampire well. Bonus points for me.

The triumphant feeling didn’t last long, though, because, yikes. How had I ever gotten involved with the likes of Angelina?

“Aren’t vampires supposed to be allergic to sunlight?” I muttered.

Nash shook his head. “Popular myth. They’re just like anyone else.”

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