Page 50 of Wind Whisperer

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Erin let an awkward moment tick by. Was she graciously giving me time to collect myself or enjoying the sight of me wallowing in self-pity?

“Too bad,” she finally murmured. Another few seconds passed before she went on. “How do you know Angelina?”

NotDo you know her,butHow. God, was it that obvious?

I stalled. In one sense, I knew Angelina intimately. We hadn’t actually had sex, but we’d gotten close. Close enough for her to fog my senses with her vampire allure and—

I practically gasped for fresh air, shoving away the hazy memories.

Biggest mistake of your life.My dragon, as always, made it perfectly clear who was to blame.

I cleared my throat. “The agency is a top-secret group of humans and supernaturals who keep tabs on other supernaturals that are deemed a threat. Angelina led the vampire-resistance part of the training program.”

The part I’d flunked — spectacularly. Not that I planned to elaborate on that detail.

“I specialized in warlocks,” I finished, edging away from the subject.

Erin studied me long and hard. Most folks learned about you from what you said. But Erin paid equal attention to what youdidn’tsay, and I had the uneasy feeling she saw right into me.

At least she had the grace to let me off fairly gently.

“Is Angelina still with the agency?”

I shook my head. “From what I hear, she left a few months ago.”

“And now she’s hanging out with Harlon?” Erin shook her head. “Maybe someone should be investigatingher.”

I nearly snorted, picturing the skeletons waiting to be discovered in Angelina’s closets — literally. She was far too devious to get caught, though.

Erin tapped her fingers. “Look, I hate to pry, but if you two have some history, and it could be related to her turning up now…”

My face went stony. I’d been wondering the same thing. Was that coincidence, or had Angelina tracked me here? On the other hand, she hadn’t made a move to hunt me down since our disastrous tryst the previous spring. Why would she want to now?

“Her turning up now has nothing to do with me,” I said. “I’m sure of it.”

“She did seem awfully interested in you at Harlon’s party. And the way she homed in on you, despite all those other people there…”

Bile rose in my throat. Angelina could pick me out from a crowd of a thousand men — unless she’d also tasted the blood of the other 999 of them.

“Nothing to do with me,” I repeated in a tight, flat tone.

Erin stuck up her hands. “Just asking. We said we’d share what we know.”

“We share what’s relevant,” I grunted. “Like you said.”

“Touché,” she muttered. “Touché.”

I cursed myself, because we were back where we’d started — each in our opposite corners of the boxing ring, studying the other for an opening.

Finally, I puffed out my cheeks and gave in. “Sorry. It’s a touchy subject. No offense.”

“None taken,” she said, all calm and businesslike.

Yep, we really were back where we’d started, with Erin eyeing me closely.

“What?” I finally demanded.

She shrugged. “Maybe whatever happened between you and Angelina isn’t relevant. But the fact that she’s working with Harlon is. So, here’s the million-dollar question. You think you can take on Harlon. But can you take on Angelina?”

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